Monday, August 16, 2010

Orange Lights Over Longcommon Parkway In Elgin's Providence Subdivision Illinois

Date: August 14, 2010
Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m.

Saturday night (August 14, 2010) about 9:30 or so, my son and I were on my driveway on Longcommon Parkway in Elgin's Providence subdivision when I spotted an orange light in the sky traveling from the southwest, and moving northeast. As the first one faded out, a second one came into view, then it faded, and another one behind it.

He thought it looked like fire as if someone was flying a hot air balloon. I didn't think so as flying hot air balloons at night would be suicidal. Maybe there was more of them and we only caught the last 3? It did appear to be flickering like a flame though, He took some pictures with his phone camera. Any speculation as to what we may have seen? Thanks.

Additional Information:

Found this website, this may explain what it was we saw.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:


  1. hey, i just saw one of these just now flying over Bulls, New Zealand. Have no idea what the heck it is, trying to do some research on the net to find out. It kinda freaked our family out!! At first we thought it was a shooting star but it was traveling up not down or across the sky. Moving really slowly and finally went out of sight.

  2. we caught 3 of them on video last night!

  3. I just saw one in Wilsonville, AL. Was moving very slowly from East to West. Slower, but larger it seemed, than an airplane. No noise. Didn't think it was moving at first, but as it approached it seemed to be going slightly faster.

  4. Hi, i saw this light more times. It's flying to my and it stay for my a few second. After its flying up and it disappear. I don't know, what is it, but i know sure, that isn't hot air ballon.

  5. I saw one at about 8:45pm last Saturday night in Hamilton New Zealand
