Lillooet, British Columbia 1966 UFO Sighting
1966 Fraser Canyon, British Columbia UFO Sighting
In 1966, finding myself alone, except for the family cat, Caboodle, after the family breakup and ultimate divorce, I traveled up the Fraser Canyon to a small village of Lillooet, two hundred road miles north of Vancouver, BC.
My former C.O. from my Army days, (name deleted by Brian Vike) lived in a mobile home and worked with (name deleted) on her Bridge River - Lillooet News. I joined them, and having spent a month living over The News Office with (name deleted), I learned I could rent a dandy suite overlooking the Fraser River canyon.
The sliding doors opened onto a wide sun deck. The P.G.E. rails were just beyond the fence at the end of the lot.
When the 110 - car freights rumbled by I was face to face with the engineers. I used to try to list the many boxcars, the rolling stock of railroads from all over North America in those pre computer days. At nights no lights shone from the few homes scattered on the bench land below, on the other side of the tracks.
The highway connecting Lillooet with the outside world was on the far side of the river. Came the darkness the valley was pitch black except for the odd set of headlights of cars traveling into town. There was no road on the mountainside which loomed up on the town side of the canyon.
One winter Friday night my friend (name deleted) had walked over for a visit. The folks in the adjoining suite had the TV on for the Dean Martin Show which aired at 9:00 p.m. (name deleted) relaxed in an easy chair from which she could see out through the sliding doors.
I sat opposite on the chesterfield, too far back to share her view. As we chattered, she suddenly, turned her head, and staring out through the glass door, exclaimed in a sharp voice, "What's that ?" I jumped up quickly to share her excitement and immediately saw a huge red swirling ball with flaring red orange flaming edges coming towards us from above the west side mountain.
Grabbing the glass door catch I shouted "let's get out onto the deck !" which we did. As we stood side by side, we watched the whirling fire-ball hurdle towards us, so fast that we both ducked down, putting our hands on our heads as we truly expected to be hit as it crashed upon us.
But, as we crouched and watched, the thing hovered "just above the mountainside" so to speak, spinning and flaring, to right, to left, to right again, for a few seconds. It hesitated on the final jerk to the right, then in erratic short jumps, still spinning and flaring, it began to recede, grow smaller, to nothing, back into the sky from whence it had come.
We returned to the room, quite shaken up, and (name deleted) snapped, "Exactly what did we see ?"
I put into words much as I have in this account, using my extended arm to describe the movement "Exactly ?" she snapped.
Being Friday night with everything closed for the weekend, we had no way of finding out if anyone else had shared the sight. The News was being printed, not in Lillooet, but in Fort St. John at Ma'sson Dan's newspaper shop, so nothing was "of the moment" news wise.
By the time the weekend was over the folks were back on the job, we felt rather foolish in speaking of our UFO encounter. had we not have rushed to the sun deck, causing us to be physically involved, had we just focused and seen it with our own sight, we may well have pondered if we had seen it at all.
I recall when I saw the movie "Strange Encounter" some years back I thought the UFO props were not nearly as exciting as what (name deleted) and I had shared on that Friday night in Lillooet, B.C.
So here in 1993, having watched a TV program on UFO sightings I am moved to record the event while sound of mind with 20-20 vision, from my notes written in 1996.
Thank you to the wonderful lady who shared her story with me.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Stalked By A Unidentified Flying Object on Highway #16 In British Columbia, Canada
The original report below, sighting in Houston, British Columbia came from Mr. Peter Davenport at the NUFORC ( as he thought I would be interested in looking into the case due to it being in the area where I live. Brian Vike called the lady who filed the report to Peter and I had a long conversation with her. I did not realize just how much more there was to the case.
Also the lady who I named Connie in this report will writing up a full version of all events that have taken place over the years.
My many thanks to Peter Davenport for passing along this case to me for follow-up and to the kind lady for taking the time to have a wonderful conversation with me.
Houston, British Columbia Canada
Date: August 8, 1998
Time: 2:00 a.m.
It was 2:00 a.m. and I was headed East on the Yellowhead Highway, Hwy 16. I was just a few miles outside of Houston. I had just left the little town of Smithers and I was looking for a Fair Grounds that I had thought they had there to stay overnight with 5 horses that I had brought out of Alaska.
I had traveled this highway lots of times and usually stayed in Vanderhoof or Quesnel, British Columbia, but the road had been bad coming down the Cassiar Hwy and had slowed me down.
My traveling companions besides the 5 equines consisted of my SharPei dog (CharChar) and 1 cat (Sally). It was my traveling companions that alerted me to something unusual in the beginning. Char started howling in a strange way and was looking out the rear window. I could see a strange white glow on her when I turned around.
At first this registered as light coming off my front running lights on the horse trailer, the problem being they are orange, not white. Still did not register with me that there was anything unusual yet. Then Sally, the cat, started making strange noises I never had heard before and she actually jumped up on the seat in front with me then jumped back to the back and went under the seat. Her hackles were up at the time.
Meanwhile, Char is running from the back rear window to me and whining and her hackles are up. I was at this point starting to get spooked. I had slowed down considerably looking for the Fair Grounds and had been leaning forward on the steering wheel (there was some ground fog in the valleys there too). It was at this time that I realized the truck was glowing with a white light and the ground around me also was. It was like I was in a big spotlight with one of those new blue-white headlights they have out now.
I leaned forward and looked up and realized that there was something over me. It was as larger than a large full moon in size in the sky and was a glowing green color with this large white light in the middle. Like a stupid idiot I really slowed down and rolled my window down and listened.
I heard no engines. At this point I am trying to justify this with a meteor, crashing plane, helicopter, anything but imagining that I could be the perfect "UFO medical experiment on wheels, 5 equine,1 feline,1 canine and 1 hominid." This my daughter later reminded me of and we had a good laugh, however I failed to see the humor in it at the time it was happening. I don't think I directly thought of this however I know it had to be in my mind.
The object suddenly removed the light from me and then sped forward. I was at this point going up a hill and it appeared to be going to the top of the hill to land. It was at this point I actually saw 3 points of light that were red or orange on the edge.
I thought they might have been engine exhaust or after burners. It was a little unclear with the fog I was going in and out of. This was not a heavy fog, more like a mist. It hesitated at the crest of the hill then suddenly made a sharp turn and headed due North from me.
It was at this point that I realized that I had come to a complete stop in the Highway. Myself and Char were just staring at this thing. I can't tell you what was running through her mind but I can tell you I was now scared.
It went through this mist and went right up and over a small mountain there. I could see the glow of light from beyond the mountain like it had landed. I got going again quite quickly and stopped in the next town to call my husband. He is in the USAF and while I am relating all this to him it was at this time I realized that the entire Convenience Store was now quiet.
Everyone in there was listening to me! One of the customers in there told me that there had been sightings in the area all Summer! Well I ask if there was a RCMP close at hand because I still thought that maybe I should report it.
The clerk in the store he did not think the office for just reporting would be open at this time so I just determined I would call later. There were 2 logging truck drivers there that said that I could park between them if I was still scared since they would be there until 6:00 when the mill opened. This is exactly what I did.
The next morning I started off again headed for Arlington,Washington. Somewhere before Prince George I spied a RCMP on the side of the road running radar and it was a woman. I thought this would be the chance to talk to someone so I parked on the side of the road and approached her vehicle.
I had made sure that I had picked up one of my Business Cards first.(I run a horse transport business so I do a lot of traveling at night. It is easier on the horses especially in the Summer. I also had lived 17 years in Alaska so I knew this Hwy and this was a first for me on it.)
When I came up the first thing out of mouth was that here was my business card, that I did not do drugs nor rarely drank and certainly had been doing neither the previous night. She listened to my tale then handed the card back to me and kind of chuckled.
Without saying anything to me she got on the radio back to Houston, BC, Canada and told them I would be calling in a report. I interrupted her to ask if it would be a problem if I called once I got to a land line in Washington and she said yes.
Well this went better than I had expected. I really thought that she might have been calling out the "paddy wagon" with the straight jackets for me. It was at this time after speaking on the radio she got out of the car and looked at me straight on. She then proceeded to tell me she believed me and did not think that
I was a "nut" since if I was a nut seeing things at night then they had 2 RCMP's that were the same and were seeing things in broad daylight. She said that a craft had been sited in the same area just a few days before.
I proceeded on feeling much better actually. When I got to Arlington, Washington at a motel I called the desk at the RCMP's at Houston and gave them a full report.
Visitations By Little People
The story is real but the names in this report below are fictitious for obvious reasons.
Connie - Driver of the vehicle who had the amazing encounter in Houston, British Columbia.
I telephoned the witness as I had a number of question I wanted to ask her. She lives with her husband on their ranch in North Carolina.
The lady was such a pleasant person to talk with, also owns her own business and has degrees in anthropology and archaeology from the University of Houston, Texas. As far as I am concerned she is a very credible witness who gave a number of details in her report that only residents in my area would know about.
As we chatted about what took place that early morning, she went on to tell me about some other frightening experiences which has followed her throughout her life. The sad part to the story is that not only is she being effected, but members of her family and now her young grandchild as well.
When I hear about children being involved with such events it saddens me. It is bad enough for adults to deal with the strange happenings, but to know that children are having visitations, etc.. it really does break my heart.
The lady went on to say that her daughter was joking with her about her being a rolling medical experiment on wheels, as she was carrying her pets, horses and of course herself. When her daughter said this, Connie didn't find it very amusing due to what has, and still is, going on in her family.
Connie told me she has had some other troubling times in her family. Her son had an experience and Connie as well. Connie said she called them her little people. She told me she had many dreams, not so much vivid ones, but dreams. But she was very upset when her son, then three years old and when all of them were living in Alaska.
It got so bad that she took her son to a psychologist thinking a three year old couldn't make up such a story if something wasn't taking place. Connie not knowing at the time when she made the appointment for her son that the psychologist was a child specialist.
The psychologist said to Connie that her son kept talking about this "thing" over and over while they were in the psychologist office. The lady psychologist told Connie you would not believe how many children come through her office telling a similar story, of these unusual experiences.
Connie mentioned to the psychologist that even when she was a child, and now an adult she still has her dreams about her visitors or little people. Connie told me that her husband doesn't even want to hear about any of the experiences anymore, mainly due to not being able to do anything about them ( a feeling of helplessness). But it wasn't until the summer of 1987 when Connie and all of her children went to Barnes and Noble book store in Austin, Texas to pick up a book she was interested in reading.
While looking around the book store, her young son asked his mother if he could go and look at some of the children's books. Connie said yes, but told him that he was not to wander off and stay where she was able to keep him in her sight.
As the youngster made his way to the children's book section he went around a corner, or a different book section which displayed other book topics. All of a sudden all of the shoppers in the book store could hear a young child yell out, "here's my monster Mom"!
Connie's son came running back to her with a book in his hand, again yelling out, "here's my monster Mom". What the little boy was holding in his hands was a copy of Mr. Whitley Srieber's book, Communion. On the front cover of the book was this young boys monster, a being with large dark almond shape eyes. Connie told me after her son gave out the loud yell you could have heard a pin drop in the book store as everyone was looking in their direction.
Connie took the book from her son, went through the check out and paid for the copy. She wanted to have an idea of what was frightening her child. It wasn't until she got home and later that evening when laying in bed reading a book she had already started did she realize the book in her hands was another one by Whitley Srieber. She had not put two and two together and was rather surprised.
Connie went on to say that now her six year old granddaughter is going through the same things as her son had. Judy tells her Mother and Grandmother that there are little old men who visit me in the night. More information will be coming on how the little girl is doing.
Connie told me when she was a little girl she was terrified of the dark and insisted on having the lights on when she was sleeping, and she told me it is still like this today. Also she doesn't sleep very well.
Connie also discussed some other bizarre things that happened to her over the years of these visitations. One time while still living in Alaska she had a frightful nightmare, woke up the next morning with a burn mark on her tailbone.
This burned circle on her back stayed with her for approximately two weeks and she did seek medical help over it. Connie also told me that she has had bad nose bleeds since she was a child, and the same with her son. On one of Connie's trips this last year something extraordinary took place.
She was having excruciating headaches and had nightmares before she had left home, matter of fact she woke up the night before she left on her trip and saw beings standing in the doorway. Her nose bleeds became very severe and her husband said we are going to have to take you in to see a doctor when you come back off the road trip.
Connie at this time was transporting horses and was calling her husband on the telephone. On one call she made to her husband at a stop over at a motel, Connie said that her nose was very stuffed up, bad pain above her eye and was taking aspirin for the pain.
She said she was continually blowing her nose and getting more blood from her nostril the more she blew until her left nostril was completely stuffed up and no air could pass through it. Finally still trying to clear her sinuses she blew into a tissue a couple more times when something broke free.
To her surprise in her tissue was a piece of material approximately one half inch long, one quarter inch wide and had the strangest little nodules on the material. Connie said the debris felt like bone and was pinkish in color. Seeing she was frightened, on her own and upset, Connie flushed the material down the toilet at the motel. Ever since that day she discarded this bit of material, she has had no more problems.
A sad part to this story is that Connie had to help with her grandmother. At the time the doctors thought Connie's grandmother was mentally ill and wanted to have her committed. This was due to her seeing things at her home during the nights.
She also walked around with a flashlight all night long Connie told me. As we know with the abduction experience it seems to run through the families, sometimes starting with the grandparents to their children, to their children and on and on it can go.
So was Connie's grandmother having visitations ? Even after Connie's grandmother had passed away and the house was bought by another family member, strange happenings still go on to this day in that home.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Confederation Park, Burnaby, British Columbia Canada Late 1930s UFO Sighting
Date: Late 1930s
Time: Summer afternoon.
Location of Sighting: Confederation Park, Burnaby, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Round balls of fire.
Full Description of event/sighting: A friend who is in his late 70s told me this story today. He said that when he was 10 or 11 years old, he and two friends (now deceased) were playing in the bush in Confederation Park in Burnaby, that would make it the summer of 1937 or 1938.
He said he and his friends heard a roaring sound and he ran out of the trees to Willingdon Avenue and saw two streaks of smoke in the sky coming from the east parallel to the ground and at a fairly low altitude. As the smoke trails got closer he saw two round balls of fire at the head of the trails.
Suddenly the two fireballs roared like a rocket straight up at a ninety degree angle and disappeared into a clear blue sky. He said that today he would compare them to jets, but of course there were no jets back then. He still remembers the incident even after the amount of time that has transpired.
Thank you to the person for relating the sighting to me.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Burnaby, British Columbia Canada Three Disc Shaped UFOs
Date: August 1952
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 3 plus
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Round flattened.
Full Description of event/sighting: My husband and I saw the children looking up at the sky and went to check. It was bright daylight and directly over our head were 3 disc shaped craft close together and stationary.
They appeared metallic, whitish grey and there were no windows, lights or other attachments.
My husband was a former wireless air gunner and he estimated them to be about 500 feet up and about fifty feet in diameter. They looked like a large Frisbee but they were solid, thick and had a rounded edge.
We watched then for about fifteen minutes. We had no camera. Suddenly they started to move straight up at a terrific speed but at an angle and we watched then until they were a small speck in the cloudless sky.
I have read about a lot of strange lights at night but this was unmistakable. We were directly beneath them so we could not see their upper side. Just the underneath. There were dozens of calls to the police to report it but the Government put a blackout on the reports.
Thank you to the eyewitness for the interesting report.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Tuc-El-Nuit Lake Oliver British Columbia 1950s Flying Saucer
Date: Early to mid 1950's
Time: Early afternoon.
Location of Sighting: Tuc-el-nuit Lake Oliver British Columbia Canada
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Saucer shape on top and bottom.
Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: Now this is a really interesting sighting report since there appears to have been more people who witnessed this object as the person reporting mentions the radio station carried a news story on this craft being observed by others.
I would like to request from others who were in that area at the time and if they saw this craft, would you please be kind enough to contact me here at with the details of what you saw. Thank you, Brian.
Full Description of event/sighting: I recall I was 8 or 10 years old and playing by myself in our back yard on the west side of Tuc-el-Nuit Lake.
I was not looking at the lake but was facing north. A movement over my right shoulder caught my attention and I turned towards the lake.
Flying very low above the lake and coming from the south was a very strange looking airplane. It had no wings, no propeller, was the same shape top and bottom and made no sound. The size was a bit bigger than any plane I'd seen before and the only planes I had seen were small private planes. I'd never been to a big airport.
The colour a silver grey. The lake was only half a mile wide at that point so "the plane" was quite close and only about three times as high as our rooftop. If it had been a float plane I would have expected it to be landing at the far end of the lake.
It was moving only a little faster than I would have expected a plane to fly. I watched it continue up the lake then went back to my playing.
Later when I went in the house I told my mother about the strange plane I'd seen.
A short time later she heard on the 5:00 pm news that a "flying saucer" had been seen by a great many people flying north up the Okanagan Valley. It fit the description of what I'd seen so she told me about it. The radio station was CKOK Penticton.
I wasn't overly impressed as I'd never even heard of flying saucers. My parents were aware of them but it was never a topic that they had any reason to discuss. To me it was just a funny looking airplane. In fact, if it had not been on the news I doubt that I would have remembered it as the years went by. Of course to see it now would be very exciting and I would pay a lot more attention!
Over the years I've looked at archives of sightings in B.C. but have never seen mention of that event. That surprises me a bit since several people apparently reported it to the radio station at the time.
Unfortunately I can't give the exact year. I just know it was after 1950 and before 1960. It was around the time that my parents were part of a team of volunteers that had to report any planes they heard or saw during their shift. My parents shift was midnight to 2:00 a.m..
Both being teachers they used the time to mark papers! Years later when I asked why they were doing that, they couldn't remember what it was about but that it was being done in more areas than Oliver.
Around that same time period there was another sighting in the sky that I noted but did not think about more than just briefly. I was in the same area of Oliver playing with some friends. This was early afternoon in the summer.
They were standing above me on a mound of dirt and as I was looking at them I noticed three bright lights in the sky to the north. They looked like very bright stars and formed a small triangle. We all watched them for a while but they didn't move so we went on playing.
Over the next half hour whenever we looked up they were there. Since I remembered my father saying that as a boy in Alert Bay (1920's) he and a friend once watched several unmoving "stars" for a whole afternoon I just assumed that we also were looking at stars.
Yes we knew that it was unusual to see stars in the daylight. The reason I remembered the event was that I was pleased that I'd seen something special that my dad had seen when he was about my age. Since then I've looked for stars in the daytime sky when the air is very clear but have never seen any.
I realize this report is from a long time ago but I am hoping you have records of this from other people. If nothing else I appreciate the opportunity to at last tell someone about the event. Thank-you.
Thank you to the witness for the wonderful report.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Between 1954 and 1958, Tuc-El-Nuit Lake Oliver, British Columbia Canada (Daylight sighting)
This is a bit of an unusual addition to a report you posted earlier [see above].
My older sister submitted the report "Tuc-El-Nuit Lake Oliver, British Columbia 1950s Flying Saucer". She emailed me to take a look at this site, and I read her submission. Now, it gets a bit strange.
This was the very first time I heard about her seeing this event. That in itself is not particularly strange, but I saw something similar, and she did not know of my sighting nor I hers! Reading her report was a bit of a shock, to say the least.
What follows is a description of what I saw sometime between 1954 and 58. I was somewhere between 4 and 8 years old.
It was a bright day with a solid high overcast, and, I believe, in the afternoon. No wind and a warm day.
I was outside by the lake shore, facing south. Something attracted my attention and I looked up high to my left in time to see three objects streak towards the south. They were moving much faster than any ducks flew, and were absolutely silent.
There was no flapping of wings or any body movement whatsoever. They did not appear to be descending, but got smaller as they flew out of sight behind a row of poplar trees about 100 m away.
There were three objects, flying in a "V" formation. They looked to me at the time like ducks with no tails and very short stubby wings. They were dark in colour and I saw no markings or distinguishable features.
My age and lack of any other reference led me to assume they were just weird birds. What seemed unusual to me at the time other than the weird shape was the speed and silence of their flight.
They appeared to me as ducks would look if they were flying 10 or 15 m above my head. I should have seen details and heard the murmuring that ducks make as they fly.
I told my Mom and Dad about the "ducks". They questioned me but couldn't really come to any satisfactory conclusions and we just shrugged and moved on.
My sister and I talked about these events for the first time today. Neither of us was aware of the other's sighting. We are not really able to figure out who saw what first, but we are both certain that we did not know of each other's story. We are equally certain that we saw what we saw, and are not "remembering" a story we heard from the other.
FYI. Tuc-el-nuit Lake is, according to Indian legend, the birthplace of Ogopogo. He apparently swam up the Okanagan River to Okanagan Lake. The "Okanagan Arch" is also visible from this area.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Chased By A UFO On The Way To Work In British Columbia Canada
1960’s or early 70’s, Lower Mainland, British Columbia Canada: (Received: June, 2004)
While I'm remembering things, back in the 60's and early 70's I worked in the main Vancouver Post Office. One of the fellows I worked with was a Mennonite fellow the same age as me. He used to drive back and forth from Clearbrook as he was living with his parents. Being from a rather closed community he was quite naive about a lot of things.
During the fall of 1965 he came into work one night and was quite visible shaken up by something which occurred on his way home the previous night. He told us he had just come off the Pt. Mann bridge and was cruising along about 70 Mph. when he noticed a bright white light in his rear view mirror.
Thinking it was just another car coming up the hill from the bridge, he didn't pay to much attention. When he first saw it he figured it was probably several miles behind him but within seconds it was right over his car. He said it scared the crap out of him and he tried to put his foot through the floor and within seconds was doing over 120 mph.
He kept running through patches of thick dense fog and was terrified he was going to run into another vehicle but the object overhead scared him even more. After a few minutes it receded back to being just a light in the mirror but he said he kept his foot to the floor.
Just before reaching his turn off it suddenly closed in on him again and hovered overhead. When he started to slow down for the turn off it backed off again as if watching to see what he was going to do. He said he was so scared he couldn't sleep all night.
With his religious upbringing he thought it was the Devil chasing him. We told him it was more likely a UFO chasing him and then had to explain what a UFO was, apparently he had never heard of such a thing.
The next night he came into work still all upset, he'd been chased all the way back to Clearbrook, British Columbia for a second time. That was enough for him, he arranged a place to stay during the week in Vancouver and only went home when he could drive during the day time with other cars around. As far as I know he has moved back to Clearbrook, British Columbia and is working there so he doesn't have to commute.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Round Salmon/Peach Colored UFO Seen From Laidlaw, British Columbia
Date: June 1966
Time: 11:45 p.m.
The witness clearly recalls a sighting he had when he was in his early teens. He was with roughly twenty family members having a reunion at a home in Laidlaw, British Columbia.
They had a campfire and folks were roasting wieners. One of the younger children there yelled out loudly for everyone to look over towards one of the local mountains.
Everyone looked to where the child was pointing and saw a large object sitting stationary over top of the mountain.
It sat there for a brief time and then started to move along the mountain rim, stopped and returned to where it had come from. Then it moved towards the family (still a distance away) then back again to it's original position.
The witness reported the color was a salmon/peach. He said the shape of the object was definitely circular. They all watched it for approximately 15 minutes and finally it moved off behind the mountain.
Everyone was surprised to say the least and one of the adults ran inside to call the airport to report and to enquire if anyone else was reporting this massive object.
The first thing the tower operator explained was that they did not use balloons anymore because they had radar.
The man in the tower was laughing! But he did finally say there was no aircraft in the area where the object had been seen. Also nothing was showing up on his radar.
The witness said there were others who had also observed this strange object as reports were filed with the RCMP and the local newspaper at that time.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Wilmer, British Columbia Three Egg Shaped Metallic Objects
Date: 1980's
Time: Noon
The witness went out onto the balcony of her home looking east towards the Rocky Mountains one nice day. She saw three egg shaped metallic objects in the sky above the mountain line.
All were identical in size and shape. She ran inside to get her mother to have her come look as well and her mother said "Oh my God" and ran back indoors to get dad. When dad arrived on the scene all three objects had disappeared.
It was noted at the time that many other witnesses in the Windermere area saw similar sightings, but on different days.
From what I understand it was quite the talk of the town for some time afterwards and I'd like to perhaps take a trip down that way sometime in the hope that I can dig up some more information about these and other sightings. Thanks again to the witness for her report.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Alert Bay British Columbia Three Flying Saucers Sit Stationary In 1924
Date: Around 1924
Time: Afternoon.
Location of Sighting: Alert Bay, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Star.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, recently I was talking to my 93 year old father about UFO reports in Canada and I mentioned that I've not yet come across any before the 1930's.
He suggested I tell you about what he and a friend saw in the 1920's. He was 9 years old at the time.
Dad attended school part of every year in the small community of Alert Bay just off the east coat of Vancouver Island in British Columbia. The other part of his schooling was in Vancouver.
Late in the school year, probably early June, dad and his best friend decided to enjoy the sunshine and have their school lunch break outside on the nearby beach.
As soon as they finished eating they lay on the beach behind a log and looked up at the sky, as school boys might do.
Other than a few small clouds rapidly moving in the prevailing west wind and an occasional seagull the sky was clear, blue and empty.
Then directly above them they saw three very bright stars in a triangular formation. They didn't twinkle as night time stars often do. Dad and his friend were intrigued. Neither of them had ever before seen stars in the daylight.
They looked at them for a while but as the stars just sat there they soon lost interest. A few times during the lunch hour they took another look and they were still in the exact same position in the sky.
Several hours later, when school finished for the day, dad looked up and the stars were still there. By the time he got home and went in for dinner, they still had not moved.
He mentioned to his parents that he had seen stars during the daylight and their only comment was to say "how nice, weren't you lucky".
The next day the sky was again a clear blue and the boys looked for the three stars. There were none to be seen.
So what had they seen?
Being just a child at the time, dad truly believed he was looking at stars. Flying Saucers and UFO's were unknown.
Although weather balloons did exist they were not deployed in the remote regions of the B.C. coast and even if they were, they would not have remained completely unmoving for at least five hours.
The thousands of war time balloons from Japan were not sent for another 20 years. The natural movement of stars would have moved the three lights across the sky, if they really were stars. If you look at the stars in the night sky they "appear" to move quite quickly.
They would never be in the same place after several hours. The field of aviation was not advanced enough in those days to have aircraft that could just sit there and I doubt that anything so experimental would be found several hundred miles from the nearest airfield anyway!
Dad is not saying, and neither am I, that the "stars" he saw were flying saucers. However they definitely were Unidentified Flying (or floating) Objects.
Whatever they were, they made a lasting impression on him as I recall him talking about the "stars" when I was just a child. Apparently over the years he often tried to see more daylight stars but never did.
There is just one more part to this story. Perhaps it is just a coincidence. April 2007 I sent you the missing time event you titled something like "92 year olds missing time Vancouver Island".
Well, the missing time event took place a very few miles from where dad saw his three star like UFO's. Only the missing time took place over 50 years later.
Thanks Brian, for all the work you are doing in sharing all the interesting stories from around the world.
Thank you to the person for the historic sighting seen by her Father in the 1920's.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Vancouver Island, British Columbia - 92 Year Olds Missing Time Update
Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: The below report came in through "submissions" and I do not have anyway of writing the person back who sent the report in. I do remember the original report which was sent to me, but when my site was shut down on October 20, 2006 for two months, alot of the date was lost in ftp-ing the site to my computer.
All the data I have, which is literally stacks upon stacks of reports and other information is still packed up in boxes and I still have not got around to digging the material back out of the boxes.
I know from speaking to a number of different people on Vancouver Island, and other Islands off of the coast of British Columbia there was a "major" UFO/Abduction event which went on for a number of years, going back many years. If anyone of the Islands have had a missing time experience, I would certainly love to hear from you. Thank you, Brian Vike: Email:
Hi Brian, Last April I sent you the story of my 92 year old father and his missing time episode on Vancouver Island. I couldn't find the story in the archives but you might remember it anyway.
I have now discovered that he is not the only person who has had missing time on that part of the Island. Recently I was talking with a group of acquaintances and jokingly mentioned to be careful driving to the north end of the Island.....people or time tends to disappear for a while!
Later a woman took me aside and told me what she had heard about a incident in that area. Although not the same as dads, it was similar. Apparently she heard about this rather second hand and didn't think too much about it until she heard my comment.
It seems a woman who regularly drove that highway came to the beginning of Nimpkish lake and started to drive along the shoreline. It is a long narrow lake and within half an hour she should have been well past it and nearing the Beaver Cove intersection.
However it seems she could not get to the end of the lake. She kept driving and driving and the lake was always there on the left side of the road. Frustrated and confused she eventually did reach the end of the lake and went on to her destination. However she was just over an hour late arriving.
She had not stopped along the way and in fact had increased her speed trying to reach the end of the lake, but was still late.
Unfortunately my friend did not know many details but will see if she can track down the person who told her about this. It might not have been that remarkable a story except for its similarity to what happened to my father.
It would be interesting to know if other residents have had anything like that happen. Of course it could happen to visitors as well but if they didn't know the road they would not know anything was unusual.
Thanks Brian for all the work you are doing.
Thank you to the witness for the update.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Beam Of Light Almost Blinds Man On Highway #1 - UFO Abduction
Started North Of Quesnel, Continued South To Yale British Columbia
Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: The witness who reported the below experience would like to know if anyone at the time he drove the Fraser Canyon Highway here in British Columbia on the Easter weekend in 1968 witness the same events he did. If so, would you please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike, at Thank you.
Date: Easter weekend 1968
Time: 19:00 - Midnight
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: ?
Shape of objects: ?
Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, could ask if anyone might have been on the road through the Fraser Canyon at that time and possibly seen what the heck was flying over my car. Re: The possibility of missing time, I still don't know, but I still think there could be up to two hours missing somewhere on that trip.
I don't remember being scared but was rather apprehensive when the power died. I believe that must have happened going down Jackass Mountain. Why I didn't get killed that night I will never know.
1968 - Easter Weekend - I decided to drive the approximately 800 miles north to see a friend of mine who'd recently moved to Dawson Creek. I left Vancouver quite late and about midnight found myself driving through the mountains near Cache Creek.
As I drove along the mountain crests I noticed far off in the North West a number of what appeared to be search lights playing on the clouds. At the time I thought there must be an airport over there somewhere. Later on when I checked my maps found nothing but bush and also realized that the lights I'd seen were not shining up at the clouds but down from somewhere above.
Shortly after passing Cache Creek, British Columbia it began to snow and I ended up driving for 18 hours. I found my friend, booked into one of the Hotels in town and passed out.
She had the weekend off, so the next few days we spent touring the area. The third day I started back to Vancouver. The snow had all melted and I was cruising along about 80 mph.
At sunset I was just north of Quesnel, British Columbia and had a large field on my right, as I passed it I noticed what appeared at first glance to be a white bird about the size of a Herring Gull, it took off from approximately 150 feet away and skimmed across the field at approximately 3 feet in the air on an interception course with my car.
I stepped on the brakes and it passed through my head light beams approximately. 20 feet in front of me. It then climbed at about a 45 degree angle and shot off up into the sky. As it passed I realized it was not a bird as the wings were fixed and not flapping. My foot came down a little harder and soon I was cruising at 90 mph. Hours later I was back up in the mountains, just south of Cache Creek.
I'd not seen another car for hours and I was still rolling along about 90. All of a sudden a brilliant white light shone down on me from somewhere above. It was like the light from a flash bulb, so bright I couldn't even see my own headlights and from what I could make out appeared to be a perfect circle, perhaps several hundred feet in diameter.
I floored the gas and went up to about 110 mph. but the light stayed right with me. After a minute or so the light went back out. I could feel all the hairs on the back of my neck standing up and sensed that whatever it was, was still directly over my car.
I wanted to stop and take a look, but since I was by myself and there was no other traffic I continued to keep my foot in it. About 10 minutes later the light came back on and I got the distinct impression that whoever was behind it wanted me to stop. I went even faster.
Just before I reached the Kanaka Bar Restaurant the light went out again. I came around a bend and found the Restaurant right in front of me. A car had just left the restaurant and I passed him doing about 120 mph. He must have thought I was a UFO.
A few miles further on I came over the crest of a mountain and could see a long steep hill in front of me with a curve at the bottom, suddenly my car lost all power and I was flying blind down the hill.
I was still doing close to 120 mph and had lost my lights, power steering, power brakes etc. I put both feet on the brake pedal and pushed as hard as I could. I couldn't see the road at all as there are tall trees on each side of the road and it was black.
All I could do was try and keep the car heading straight. I kept picturing the road curving up ahead but didn't have the faintest idea how close I was or even if I could make it at the speed I was still going. Without my power assist the car didn't feel as if it was slowing the least.
Just as I reached the bottom of the hill my power all of a sudden came back on. Needless to say I made the corner but didn't slow down until I reached the main Trans Canada Highway with all its traffic. I owned that car for more than five years and never before or after did I have any problems with it mechanically or electrically. The loss of power seemed to be their goodbye present as I lost that feeling that they were sitting on my roof just shortly afterwards.
I often read or see programs about people losing time during incidents similar to what I went through but don't think I was stopped. I was near Quesnel, British Columbia at sunset which I'd guess to be about 19:00 and hit the Trans Canada near Hope, British Columbia at about 02:00. I was just doing some calculations and they don't work out. Quesnel, British Columbia is approximately 325 miles north of Hope and at the speed I was going I should have done it in about 3.5 hrs. not 7, maybe something did happen? I sure don't recall slowing.
Years later when I first saw the movie Close Encounters it brought it all back again especially the scene where they were all up on the mountain watching the UFO approach above the clouds. When I came out of the theatre after the movie I didn't have the faintest idea where I was.
Nothing seemed familiar and it took several minutes for me to figure out where I was. Several years later I asked some Police Officers if they might have had helicopters working in the Canyon at night and they said not to their knowledge. Too dangerous.
I just thought I'd mention the car I was driving at the time was a bright Red 1960 Dodge Phoenix Dart Convertible just incase anyone saw it being perused by something.
Thank you very much to the witness for the interesting report.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Oyster River Black Creek, Vancouver Island British Columbia Saucer Shaped Hovering
Date: Around October 10, 2007
Time: Evening.
Location of Sighting: Oyster River, Black Creek Vancouver Island Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Saucer shaped.
Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: If anyone else has witnessed this craft would they please contact Brian Vike at: with the details of the sighting.
Full Description of event/sighting: I will get the people involved to put their stories on here. One is a friend who has seen the same flying object 3 times in the last month. The last is a friend of my son's. I just asked him tonight about his sighting.
He saw the same saucer shaped object on the same night as my other friend, Wednesday of this week or there abouts in Black Creek just north of the Merville store.
He was being driven home by his boss and they pulled over off the highway in a Hummer vehicle (thinking they were safe) and watched the craft hovering over a neighbor's property. He said it was saucer shaped and had revolving lights that emitted an orange glow. It then flew in a zig zag pattern and took off toward the ocean.
My other friend was telling me of the same craft that very night (after I dropped my son off at the friend's house). He said the same light and a glowing saucer.
He told me he was driving south when all of a sudden the lights of the saucer came on. He said he went "oh no, not again" rolled up his windows and continued driving toward home. He said he was very scared.
Altogether he has seen it twice this past week in the same locale between Oyster River and Black Creek, but his sightings were over the ocean. A previous sighting about a month ago was over a field near Oyster River.
Again a saucer but cream colored light with blue or green. I think that is what he said. I will pass this link onto my son's friend and also my other friend that saw it 3 times.
It is better that they talk to you themselves. I was just wondering if you had any other reports from Vancouver Island (up past Courtenay) this month? Has anyone else seen this same craft? (in all cases, it has been only one craft) That is about all for now.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Sydney British Columbia Flying Saucer With Windows
Date: November 1998
Time: 2:00 p.m.
At Sydney, British Columbia in November 1998 while walking my dog.
I spotted out of the corner of my eye what I thought was an aircraft in trouble, however as there was no noise. I went down to the water and could see no air craft in the water.
Upon looking around and about 100 feet in the sky was a flying saucer. I said at the time on seeing this, I said it was about time you showed up as I have been looking for you for over 30 years.
In a flash it was gone. About 25 feet in circumference. It had what appeared to have 3 windows in the upper portion of the craft and along the lower section a large the trailing edge a group of white lights which began to rotate along the leading edge and eventfully formed one solid ring.
As I watched this I knew it was getting ready to get the dickens out of here. I looked around for anyone else but as luck would have it, not a person in sight.
I did not report this sighting as I later checked with a group of people who I am sure thought I was missing a few bricks from a load.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Prince George, British Columbia A Black Triangle UFO
Date: Approximately: July 1999
Time: Approximately 2:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Country/Rural.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangle.
Full Description of event/sighting: Sometime in July of 1999, I was outside throwing a ball for my dog, I looked up, and there was a Black Triangle about 50 feet above me. It made absolutely no sound, and didn't move at all. It was not transparent, I could not see through it, at the time, thinking I was just seeing things, I looked back down, then up again, and it was gone.
Additional Information:
Hi there, I don't really remember any feelings at the time and I don't know what made me look up, because I didn't notice it until I had looked up, my dog was a puppy at the time and I don't really think he looked up I cannot recall any lights on it, I kind of shrugged it off, I was young, and don't think I was really into UFO's at the time, I know I seen something though, but I guess I just didn't believe it and thought to myself, I didn't just see that' and went on with my life, but then started thinking about it later.
I wasn't like 6 or anything, I was about 12, so I had knowledge of conventional aircraft, and that was not like anything I had ever seen, but knowing what I know now about UFO's and how many sightings there really are, I would have looked at it differently. it's funny after I posted it.
I checked to see if there was any UFO sightings similar to mine for July 1999, and to my surprise, I found one your site, a report of someone in my city seeing a UFO as well, I thought that was interesting, being that it's a fairly small city. I wish I could have seen it do something amazing like shoot off at the speed of light, but it just seemed to vanish, I think that's probably why I didn't believe it at the time. I hope to see another one on the future.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at or fill out the online UFO report form at with details of what you saw.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: or
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
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