Monday, July 29, 2013
Magnificent Obsessions Episode Name – UFO Hunter TV Documentary (Video)
Canadian Life Network
TV Series - 27 min - Canadian Documentary.
Imdb -
Episode name – UFO Hunter.
Storyline: A series profiling people who have turned their everyday interests into a passion that drives their lives. Obsessions include: Toy trains, Barn Storming, guns, witches and more.
In this episode, camera’s follow Chris Rutkowski as he travels across Canada interviewing eyewitness to major UFO sightings. Also Errol Bruce-Knapp, radio host of Strange Days... Indeed spoke to Chris about the growing number of UFO sightings here in Canada and the Canadian UFO Survey.
Chris then packs his bags and flew to Indian Mountain, New Brunswick where people had several unusual sightings.
He then flew out to northern British Columbia to meet Brian Vike, Ufologist who had received 1/5th of all the Canadian sightings that year (2002) and the area was practically named the UFO capital of Canada. British Columbia was a major hotspot for UFO sightings over 2002 and 2003.
After meeting with Brian Vike and eyewitnesses in B.C., Then Chris once again packed his bags and flew out to Fredericton, New Brunswick to meet with well known Ufologist Mr. Stanton Friedman.
The documentary is very well done, and I hope you enjoy. YouTube -
Canadian UFO Survey -
Strange Days... Indeed -
Brian Vike - The Vike Factor - T.V. Crew From Canada's Life Network "Magnificent Obsession" Taped UFO Interviews In Houston, Smithers and Telkwa, British Columbia Canada. Pictures of the eyewitnesses and a description names/faces to these UFO events. and at another page, the sighting entitled - UFO Encounter On Highway #16 - Three Frightened Women viewed at: is one of the large cases shown in the film that Brian Vike investigated and Chris was looking into and talking with the three women.
Mr. Stanton Friedman -
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Brian Vike Hears Additional Information About Sasquatch Happenings In Moricetown British Columbia (Short Audio)

(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Re-posted by Mel.
New: This short audio clip has never been heard before. I did drive up and investigated the Sasquatch tracks in the snow, it was awesome, and the tracks went on and on. It was the most amazing thing I seen when dealing with Sasquatch.
There is a drop off in the audio (I removed some personal information) for 23 seconds, then we return chatting.
Melvina shares information about her brothers dog that was apparently torn apart, by "something" and a good number of dogs have gone missing from the town there, they believe Sasquatch is behind this. Also she mentioned two other sightings in the area.
Two truckers saw Sasquatch crossing the Highway at Moricetown and this would have been the same Sasquatch I went to investigate. Later Melvina told me about some years before this sighting took place, that a Sasquatch ripped apart the smoke house and got into the salmon.
This audio clip comes from a quick telephone interview for directions to the ladies home in Moricetown, B.C. over the Sasquatch sighting, to let them know I was going to be on my way.
When I did arrive, there was a lot of folks gathered around. Many, many reports of Sasquatch come out of this area as I heard stories from others in the area.

Link to audio:
Link to main text story with photos: Brian Vike Investigates Sasquatch Tracks In Northern British Columbia (Track Photos) -
There will be stacks of new audios to come that I never made public, mostly never had alot of time. My many thanks to Mel for posting all of this information that I gathered over the years.
I should mention I am posting all material on UFOs, Sasquatch, Ghosts, etc. to my main blog here: Brian Vike, The Vike Factor -
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
Saturday, July 27, 2013
1958 Asia And Middle East Major UFO Sightings - One UFO Seen By Hundreds (Audio)

(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Reposted by Mel.
This report on audio only, Brian Vike never did release this report to the public. Also Brian told me to mention that he will be releasing a stack of new audio reports over UFO sightings and Sasquatch encounters. So I guess I will have lots to post to his blog.

Link to audio:
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
Brian Vike Interviews Witnesses To Billerica Mass - Large UFO Lifts Up Witness Off Home Deck (Audio/Picture)

(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Reposted by Mel.
Link to audio:
Brian Vike's Note: I have written back to the folks and I will be trying to call them tomorrow if the back holds up. This is a fascinating story and looking forward to hearing more about it. Also the names which are given in this report, (first names only) I have had permission to post.
December 2004 Brian Vike’s Note: At the end of this initial letter from the witness there is the report which was filed to MUFON in which the fellow sent along to me.
This is a fascinating story. Hello Brian, I thought you might interested in this UFO report I filed to MUFON in December of 2004, I cant explain why, but Anne and I want to finally share our experience with others. Since this sighting strange things have been happening in the house for instance, the microwave oven would start beeping at random, were on our 3rd oven.
A shelf fell off the wall in the kitchen which I know doesn't sound that strange, but it's the type that the fingers on the side brackets have to be tapped down in the rails, I installed it and remember I had to tap the brackets down with a little force, for the brackets to fall off you would have to tap up on them.
Strange sounds would come from the TV and radio. Anne would see pot covers fly of the shelf and land several feet away.
Many other things happened but I can't get into them right now, plus it would usually happen in the day and I work full time, Anne would tell me when I got home. Anne also had regressive hypnosis and her account was the same. I tried the hypnosis, but I wasn't receptive to it.
One other thing did happen that I remembered a few days later, when Anne was on the floor I remembered giving her CPR, after I got her off the floor and on to the couch I looked into the kitchen and saw what looked like snow or fine pellets of Styrofoam pouring in through the sliding door (I guess didn't shut it all the way). After icing my hand for awhile I told Anne I'm going in the garage to get the shop vac to clean up the mess, and when I looked again all the white stuff was gone and the small carpet in the kitchen was dry.
Also the white light outside looked like it flowed like a liquid wrapping itself around everything, did not notice any shadows. By the way this happened in Billerica, Massachusetts. I know it sounds incredible, but this really happened, hope to hear from you soon. Below: The Actual Sighting Report Which Was Filed To MUFON.
(Recount of a UFO sighting experienced by Robert and Anne). At approximately 7:10 on Sunday night (12/12/04) I was in my kitchen preparing dinner, my friend Anne was in the living room working on a crossword puzzle. I have a sliding glass door which leads to a deck off of the kitchen, Anne and I just got home so the curtain was not drawn yet.
Out of the corner of my right eye I saw a huge ball of brilliant white light coming towards the house from the west, it was above treetop level, but not by much. In my mind I compared the size to be like looking at a full moon on a clear night maybe bigger and as it neared it got bigger and bigger. I called to Anne to take a look, she was as surprised as I was. We went out onto the deck to get a better look because of the glare from internal lights on the glass door.
It stopped above the house and was absolutely huge, 2 maybe 3 football fields. The white light engulfed everything. One thing I noticed was that the light did not hurt our eyes. It hovered a few minutes with absolutely no noise, then all of a sudden a pale blue light came out of the bottom of this thing, the thing that was odd about the blue light is that it formed a perfect square on the deck.
The size was big enough to fully engulf Anne. All of a sudden Anne started to lift up off the deck, I immediately opened the sliding door with my left hand, jumped up and wrapped my right around Anne's waist, with a hooking motion I threw Anne into the kitchen then ran in and shut the door, when I looked back the light was gone.
Anne was out cold for about a minute, when she came too she said all she remembered seeing the blue light and hearing me say that the blue light was square, that's when she must of blacked out. Shortly after Anne awoke the phone rang, I was so shook up I couldn't answer it so Anne did.
The call was from my sister she was in her car with her husband about 4 to 5 miles south east of us. She told Anne she saw a ball of white light with a trailing blue tail. At first she thought it was a meteorite but ruled that out because it was so low and moving parallel with the ground.
Soon after the call (which by the way according to my caller id the time was 7:21) I noticed my right hand was burning and there were a couple of blisters below my middle finger. (pictures attached) for some reason that I cant explain I knew the blisters would be gone in the morning, which they did, so I had Anne take a picture of my hand with my digital camera.
I wish I had the camera with me on the deck, but everything happened too fast. Anne and I are still shook up about all this but are willing to meet and answer any questions you may have.
Sincerely: Robert and Anne. Thank you so much for the people for a wonderful and fascinating report.
Brian Vike (Retired)
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
Friday, July 26, 2013
Stone Creek British Columbia Frightening Ball Of Light UFO Beams Of Light Missing Time (Audio)

(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Reposted by Mel.
Listen to the witness explain what it was she saw.
Link to audio:
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
Kamloops Area British Columbia – Strange Lights/UFOs In The Sky And The Military (Audio)

(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Reposted by Mel.
There was a huge UFO wave taking place across the British Columbia skies, with major sightings of strange craft and alien abductions. UFO sighting reports poured in from 2002 and 2003. Some of these major sightings were aired on the TV news, in Newspapers and on TV UFO documentaries.
Link to audio:
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
Houston British Columbia UFO Splits Into Two Parts Brian Vike Interviewed Witness – Audio

(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Reposted by Mel.
Listen to the witness explain what it was he saw.
Approximate date for the sighting, 1985.
Link to audio:
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
Brian Vike Investigates The 2001 Vanderhoof British Columbia Crop Circles (Photos)

(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Reposted by Mel.
On the evening of September 6th, 2001. Brent Miskuski owner of Central Air Corp. was flying home from the Vanderhoof, airport where I had noticed a formation of crop circles. The site is located approx. 3 miles east from the threashold of runway 25 at the Vanderhoof airport.
Late afternoon on Friday, September 7, 2001 I had an email from Jennifer Crosby, reporter for Northern Television asking if I had heard of a new formation of Crop Cirlces in the Vanderhoof, British Columbia area. I told her no, I had not, but if she would give me a little while I would be happy to check into this story to see if there was any truth to it or not.
Picture 1: After a few phone calls, I placed another call to the Prince George Citizen who informed me that indeed there was a report from a Mr. Brent Miskuski owner of Central Air Corp., he had spotted the formation of 6 circles in a field approx: 5 Ks from the airport in a farmer field.
I looked up the number for the small airport in Vanderhoof and made the call, Mr. Brent Miskuski answered the phone and I asked him if he may be able to help me.
He was kind enough to supply me with the location of the circles, and how many there was in this formation. He also sent me 3 pictures that he took from an aircraft while flying over the the Crop Cirlce formation.
Picture 2: These 3 photos above and below are courtesy of Brent Miskuski.
I made arrangements and prepared to leave first thing Saturday morning, September 8, 2001.
I arrived early in Vaderhoof at 9:10 AM, on Saturday 8, 2001 and made my first stop at a local variety store to pick up a couple of items, I mentioned to the store clerk if she had heard about the Crop Circles. She said she did, and went on to tell me about a foul, smoky odor her and her family noticed late the same evening the Crop Cicles appeared.
Picture 3: The smell was so bad that she got up and closed the bedroom window hoping to keep the unpleasant odor out where it belonged (outside). She also mentioned to me, she had no knowledge of any Crop Circles at the time of this foul smell.
(Investigator's Note) - This lady who complained about the foul odor lives in the same area the Crop Circle was discovered.
I continued on and stopped at another farm to ask for directions to the farmer who owns the land where the circles are located. I needed to get permission before enetering his land. At this stop I talked with an elderly lady who was out tending her garden, I introduced myself, and went on to explain about the Crop Circles, and I pointed up the road with a short description of the area I wanted to investigate, to find out who was the owner.
This pleasent lady told me the same story I just heard from another woman in town, about a foul, smoky type smell in the air the night the Crop Circles appeared. She believes they took note of the foul scent in the air just after Midnight. She also went on to tell me that she was disscusing the bad odor with another friend who lives next door to her, this other lady claims she also smelled the same smoky foul smell.
This was from 3 separate witnesses who confirmed that there was a smoky type smell in the air on the early morning the Circles appeared. Now if this has anything to do with the circles, I don't know, but it is good to make a note of this.
After talking to the elderly lady I continued up to the home of the farmer who leased the field where the Crop Circles were found to get permission to investigate. I talked to the man's wife and explained why I was there and if it would be ok to do my field work, she said there would be no problem and gave me permission. I also was holding a copy of the Prince George Citizen which had just come out the morning of September 8, 2001 showing one picture and telling about the circles in their field.
She was so surprized to hear this news, she asked me if she could have the newspaper to show her husband when he got home, which I was glad to give her.
Back down the road about 4 miles or so I went to where I came to the field where the Crop Circles were located. After running around trying to find the location, and getting permission it was 12:00 (midday) when I first entered the field. (the crop circles could not be seen from the road).I followed along the edge of the grain field as not to destroy any of their crop. (appox: 600 feet) then swung into the center of the field to look for any signs of the circles. From this point I was able to look over the field as I was up on a very small elevation in the field, and there was nothing to see other than grain blowing in the wind. I figured I had walked to far, so I cut, heading back toward the truck from where I was now, to where I came upon the first Circle.

There is the main body (circle) for the head, and two smaller circles almost touching the main body (the head) which reminded me of ears, and of course Mickey Mouse.
In all of the Crop Circles the Grain was not broken, it was like if it was pushed hard to the ground. The bend in each of the stalks were bent a couple inches up the stalk from the ground.
The Grain in Mickey's Head - Circle Number # 1 Was bent clock wise right to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping. (swirled on top of each other).
The Grain in Mickey's Right Ear - Circle Number # 2 Was bent counter clock wise to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping. (swirled on top of each other)
The Grain in Mickey's Left Ear - Circle Number # 3 Was bent clock wise right to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping. (swirled on top of each other)
The Grain In Circle Number # 4 - Was bent counter clock wise to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping (swirled on top of each other)
The Grain In Circle Number # 5 - Was bent counter clock wise to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping. (swirled on top of each other)
The Grain In Circle Number # 6 - Was bent clock wise to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping. (swirled on top of each other)
Note: As seen from the aerial photo, there looked as if there may have been one person who walked into the circles prior to my arrival. There was a small path which lead to Circle Number # 1, but no other traces of anyone walking through the grain to Circle Number # 4. But there was some braking in the stalks of the grain from Circle Number # 4 to Circle Number # 5. There was no other disturbance in any of the circles, and no more paths leading into or out of this area where the circles are located.
I also took notice of chunks of solid ground which looked as if it had been moved. There certainly wasn't much of this, but if you looked closely you could see where chunks of harder soil had been moved when the Crop Circles were created.
Grain Samples from each of the Crop Circles were taken, and bagged, also soil samples were taken as well from each of the circles. Other sample of each were taken from around the surrounding area for comparison. (Thanks to a buddy picking these up for me)
I also have taken pictures of the whole area, each of the circles and will have these developed Monday, September 10, 2001 and as soon as I pick them up I will scan these in and place them to my website, on this page.
Investigator's Note: This may, or may not be of importance, but I think it is worth mentioning with this report. Two weeks prior to this set of Crop Circles an article ran in the Vanderhoof Express Newspaper.
The story was about people profiting on these sightings of Crop Circles, which turned out to be a hoax to collect a few dollars.
Above Photo: This is a sample of the soil from Circle Number # 4. I removed samples of soil from each of the circles and surrounding area.
1. - The first picture below shows the ceneter of a circle, and how the grain fell and overlapped over itself.
2. - The second picture below also shows how the grain was affected in the center of the circle.
3 - The third picture below also shows how the grain was affected in the center of another circle.
4. - The fourth picure below is the right ear of what I call the Mickey Crop Circle.
5. - The fifth picure below is the left ear Of what I call the Mickey Crop Circle.
I have more picture,s but I think everyone will get the idea of what these Crop Circles looked like from what I have placed here in the way of photos.
Below: News stories written on the Crop Circles.
Crop Circles Return Three Years Later
by Gordon Hoekstra Citizen Staff, September, 2001
They'rrrrre baaaack !
Crop Circles have been discovered again in Vanderhoof, almost three years to the day they were firs found in a ripe oat field just off the airport runway. This time the circles -- an unexplained worldwide phenomena variously said to be the work of trickers, magnetic waves and aliens -- were discovered in a field about 5 kilometers from the Vanderhoof airport, or about 100 kilometers west of Prince George.
Brent Miskuski, an owner and pilot of Central Air, spotted the six latest circles Thursday evening on a flight between Prince George and Vanderhoof. Miskuski was one of those who discovered the first crop-circle formation three years ago. No paths or tracks were visible into the circles, said Miskuski, who made several low passes and took pictures from the air on Friday.
"It just appeared. It's like they were stamped out just like last time," he said. "It's pretty bizarre."
Miskuski has already been in contact with a Crop Circle researcher, Chad Deetken, who came to Vanderhoof in 1998 to take samples and investigate the information. The researcher said tests performed on the oat samples in a U.S. lab later confirmed the Crop Circles were genuine: that is to say there were cellular changes in the oats not found in known hoaxes.
Crop Circles have created quite a bit of controversy. There is mention of crop-circle formations back to the 17th century, and thousands have been recorded in modern times, with the majority found in southern England.
Some have found to be hoaxes, where the grass is broken, trampled, bruised or crushed. In the unexplained formations, the stems are bent but not broken.
Mystery Crop Circles Found At Vanderhoof
Courtesy of The Prince George Citizen - Tuesday, Sept 1, 1998 Mystery crop circles found at Vanderhoof by GORDON HOEKSTRA, Citizen staff.
An unexplained phenomena -- dubbed crop circles around the world -- has been discovered in the forestry and farming community of Vanderhoof, 100 kilometres west of here. Vanderhoof airport owner Brent Miskuski and pilot Larry Frey discovered 10 precise circles of varying sizes between 10 to 100 feet wide (three to 30 metres) in a ripe oat field just beyond the approach to the runway this weekend.
"This is bizarre, I'll tell you," said Miskuski. "It's one out of the twilight zone."
One of the local farmers said his dogs were barking out of control unexplainably Friday night, said Miskuski, adding there was no wind that night either.
Miskuski -- who took pictures from the air -- describes the oats as being bent over symmetrically and lying down very flat. There are no signs of trampling or disturbance, and there were no paths to the circles or between them, he said.
Vanderhoof resident Jay Bangs also viewed the circles from the air when he was flying with his father Sunday morning. He came back after the flight to get a closer look.
He thought there were maybe a half dozen "perfectly round" circles of varying sizes up to 50 feet (15 metres) wide.
Bangs described the oats as being all neatly bent over, with the oats intact on the stalks.
"It was very precise."
It's creating quite a bit of talk in the community, said Bangs, who also took pictures of the circles.
Crop circles first appeared in modern times in England in 1972, according to The Crop Circular Internet site.
Since then, there have been about 9,000 reported and documented circles -- about 90% in England but also in B.C.
About 40% of the documented circles have been determined to be hoaxes, says Internet author Freddy Silva, where the grass is broken, trampled, bruised or crushed.
In the authentic, unexplained formations the stems are bent, normally about an inch off the ground, says Silva.
Crop Circles Make A Further Appearance In BC Field
(Original headline: Mysterious circles crop up again in B.C. field)
VANDERHOOF, B.C. -- Crop circles, a worldwide phenomena variously said to be the work of tricksters, magnetic waves or aliens, have been discovered again in a northern B.C. field, almost three years to the day they were first spotted in the area.
This time the circles were seen in a field about five kilometres from the Vanderhoof airport, about 720 kilometres north of Vancouver.
Brent Miskuski, an owner and pilot of Central Air, spotted the six latest circles Thursday evening on a flight from Prince George to Vanderhoof.
Mr. Miskuski was one of those who discovered the first crop-circle formation three years ago.
No paths or tracks were visible to the circles, said Mr. Miskuski, who made several low passes and took pictures from the air on Friday.
"It just appeared," he said. "It's like they were stamped out just like last time. It's pretty bizarre."
Story originally published by: The Ottawa Citizen / ON - Sept 09.01
They're baa-aach... Following closely on the heels of crop circles that appeared in the Vanderhoof area in 1998, these six circles were spotted in a field of grain about five kilometers down Sturgeon Ponit Road.
Crop Circles Return To Vanderhoof
Omineca Express Newspaper Serving Vanderhoof - Fort Fraser - Fraser Lake Wednesday, September 12, 2001
For the second time, pilot Brent Miskuski has seen something strange as he flew over Vanderhoof. On his way home to Prince George at about 7:30 last Thursday evening, Miskuski took off from the Vanderhoof airport over Sturgeon Point Road. Pressed into the grain crop were six circles - known as 'crop circles'.
"I didn't have my camera, so I went back out (Friday) morning and took some pictures," he said. "I don't know if anyone knows they're there. I didn't see any tracks of footprints going in there." As a pilot for Vanderhoof Flying Service, Miskuski has seen this before. The last time this area witnessed this phenomenon was in late August in 1998, when 11 circles appeared in a field leased by Halltray Farms.
"Last time, Eric (Spier) and I were the first to see those, too," said Miskuski. "There are fewer now and they're smaller." Spier, the pilot who spotted them first in 1998 agreed. "I don't think these ones are as nice as the first ones," he said. "They look rougher." Rough or not, the circles are already grabbing attention. Crop circle specialists from Vancouver, UFO enthusiasts and documentary makers are already on their way to the small town.
Brian Vike, an Unidentified Flying Object researcher from Houston, British Columbia was out Saturday morning, collecting soil and grain samples from the new circles.
"This is my first time looking at circles like this," he said. "It's really exciting." Vike who describes himself as an open-minded person, usually gathers reports of UFO sightings in the area. He spent Saturday collecting as much data about the six circles as he could.
One formation of circles - now being referred to as "Mickey Mouse's head" - consists of three separate circles. The largest one is 30 feet across and is flattened in a clockwise spiral. The smaller two are 16 and 17 feet across the smaller one flattened in a counter-clockwise spiral and the other clockwise. About 30 feet away lies another 17-foot circle in a counter-clockwise pattern. Forty feet from that is a formation of two circles - one is 27' 9" across in a clockwise spiral and the other 19' 10" in a counterclockwise spiral.
"Nobody had touched it before I got out there," said Vike. "There is one set of tracks out to one of the circles, but absolutely none leading from circle to circle and no other disturbances to the grain at all." The stalks of grain in the circles are all intact, simply bent over, said Vike. Nothing broken, just flattened," he said. "The spirals go in tighter and tighter as you approach the center of the circle - and then they start to overlap a bit in the middle."
Vike also interviewed several people in the area who reported a "smoky" smell on the night the circles were first seen. "One lady said the smell was so disgusting they had to get up and close the window, "he said.
Vike's UFO research has kept him hopping lately. He said sightings are up almost 55 per cent this year alone. (for Canada) He's never encountered crop circles before, however. I hate to say it, but I suppose it would be fairly easy to fake them. That's why we take all these samples for analysis," he said. The samples will be tested for "just about everything", including magnetic traces, chemicals, and molecular structure.
"Man made or not," said Vike, "they're still cool."
Crop Circles Appear In B.C. Field For Second Time In Three Years
Ian Bailey National Post VANCOUVER - Residents of a small northern British Columbia community are thinking close encounters and magnetic forces as they try to explain a series of crop circles left in a barley field.
It's the second time in three years that mysterious circles have been found in a field in Vanderhoof, a farming and forestry community about 900 kilometres northwest of Vancouver in the geographical centre of B.C.
In 1998, 10 mysterious circles were found in farmer Philip Long's field of ripe oats near the airport runway, some up to 30 metres in diameter.
The latest circles -- six that are about seven metres in diameter, were found in Mr. Long's barley field, also near the airport.
Len Fox, Mayor of the community of about 4,000 people, says the new circles are the talk of the district.
"There are all kinds of explanations," Mr. Fox said yesterday. "You name it. Everyone has their own theory."
The new circles were first detected last Thursday by Brent Miskiski, owner of a local six-plane airline, Central Air.
"By fluke, I looked down and noticed the formation: six circles perfectly formed in a field," Mr. Miskiski said yesterday.
The next day, he took his camera up in his single-engine aircraft and took a series of photos of the circles.
"When you look at them, they're not stamped into the field. It's like they're combed into the field."
The circles look as if someone pressed a giant glass or coaster into the crops, crushing them flat, observers say.
Mr. Miskiski also discovered the 1998 series of the mysterious circles, a phenomena that has been linked to everything from aliens to unknown natural energies to "Mother Earth" to nature spirits to psychic manipulation.
Circles Mysterious Return
Crop Watch 2001
They're baack. Three years after a set of mysterious, circular patterns appeared in an oat field next to the Vanderhoof airport runway, observers have spotted six more "crop circles" formed in the flattened grain. Crop circle experts promptly descended upon the town, located about 100 km east of Prince George, soon after the new patterns were discovered September 6, 2001
Canadian Crop Circle Research network field research assistant Brian Vike quickly headed out to collect soil and grain samples. The CCCRN had already expanded its research project into the mysterious shapes that are found more frequently I August and September than any other time of the year in Canada. The new circles aren't as intricate as the ones discovered in 1998
Vike noted Vanderhoof's six new circles weren't as intricate as those discovered back on September 1, 1998 by a local pilot, Brent Miskuski. Those circles ranged in size from 10 to 100 feet (30 meters). The CCCRN says a half dozen crop circle reports had come out of B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba so far this year.
The network adds that nine other countries in the world have reported crop circle formations this year. It's not known what causes the curious formations. Some of them appear to be manmade; however others continue to baffle scientists because lab results of soil and plant samples show anomalies that can't be explained. The circles usually appear overnight and in all kinds of weather.
Courtesy The Terrace Standard Newspaper.
Brian Vike, The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal)
Brian Vike (Retired)
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
Thursday, July 25, 2013
UFO Hovers Over Eyewitness At Kewanee Illinois Route 81

(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Reposted by Mel.
The below report was written by the witness who did an excellent job on documenting his experience. Kewanee, Illinois Date: October 11, 1989
Time: approximately: 9:00 p.m. On the night of 11 October 1989, I left Kewanee, Illinois and was driving home after a meeting. I was alone and driving west on IL Route 81. At a few minutes after 9:00 p.m. I was approximately 4 mi west of Kewanee on a section of Route 81 running north (near the intersection of Tower rd.)
On the right (east) is hills and broken timber/pasture and on the left (west) are flat open tilled farm fields. I would have been traveling north. I suddenly noticed a red (red/orange) flashing light. At the time, I thought an emergency vehicle or deputy sheriff had suddenly come up behind me. This happened without warning and I thought the vehicle had approached me, possibly with no headlights on, or was so close
I could not see the headlights.
Here, I should elaborate and mention that I had just recently purchased a new (1989) Ford F-150 pickup truck and had a fiberglass 'topper' installed that day. I was unfamiliar with the somewhat obstructed field of view and the still new vehicle. I had not been drinking or using any drugs.
I do recall being somewhat fatigued after a long and busy day. I slowed and moved over to the shoulder of the road. As I came to a stop on the shoulder I was still thinking I was being pulled over for some reason. I then realized the red or red/orange light was reflecting in the space between the back window of the truck and the topper.
I shut the engine off at this point thinking I had some kind of electrical problem with some lights on the new and unfamiliar truck topper. I shut the engine off and opened the drivers door at about the same moment I realized the light was also reflected on the hood of the truck.
I stepped out of the open drivers door to stand on the ground and realized that a large glowing sphere was positioned almost directly overhead. I estimated the object to be approximately 50-70 feet above ground and approximately 20-25 feet diameter. It was smooth and glassy appearing on its surface, which was most noticeable between the brighter intensity pulses. I want to emphasize that these 'pulses' were not flashes as in 'on-off' but were pulsations of brighter-dimmer, never shutting off completely.
I also noticed a strong definite static field that increased in unison with the pulses of brighter light. I could not visualize the surface of the object when the light pulses were at peak intensity. During the less intense/dim phase of the light pulses the surface was clearly visible and totally featureless from my point of view.
The surface was very smooth and glass-like transparent and within appeared a swirling, smoky or viscous liquid type substance against the inner surface. From what was visible to me, I would insist this object was a perfect globe or sphere and emitted light from its entire outside surface.
Over the next 1-2 minutes the quality and duration of the bright/dim light cycle changed to a longer bright and shorter dim but the frequency of the light cycle seemed constant- it did not pulse faster, just longer and brighter pulses with shorter dim intervals until it approached constant bright 'on'.
I hope I can make this clearly understood. I could feel the intensity of the static field intensify also. I did not move from my position next to the truck between the open door and cab. I had the feeling that something was going to happen with the changes in the light emissions and static field but did not know what to expect.
When the light pulses became a constant 'ON' the object very suddenly shot west with a departure so rapid that there was a vacuum 'POP'. I can only describe it as being like a huge cork violently pulled from a bottle. I was aware of no noise prior to this moment. The object stopped very suddenly in the western sky for a few seconds (3-5 miles away?) then seemed to change directions approximately 90 degrees to due north for a couple miles, stopping suddenly again for only a moment then disappearing to the western horizon.
My next recollection was the realization that I was sitting in my parked truck in my back yard (approximately 2 miles north of the site described) with the truck pointing west and watching the western sky where the object disappeared. This was not an area where I would typically park.
I walked into the house a few minutes before 11:00 p.m. so I was evidently in the truck for some time. It was a very pleasant evening both temperature and weather and I recall an overall feeling of 'stunned amazement'. I do not recall ever feeling fear or apprehension. I realize that some time is unaccounted for but I have attributed that to some kind of emotional shock. I have remained in excellent health.
I thank the witness for his report. Personal information is withheld.
Brian Vike (Retired)
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
Brian Vike Investigates Sasquatch Tracks In Northern British Columbia (Track Photos)

(From Brian Vike’s Paranormal Files)
A little history about Moricetown and it's kind people. Wet'suwet'en First Nation community is located north of the village of Smithers is called Moricetown, B.C.
The Wet'suwet'en people (kyah wiget) is one of five native communities living near or on Hwy 16. The valley around Moricetown Canyon was once a traditional fishing ground visited by five clans of the area.
Fishing the Bulkley River was a big part of the Wet'suwet'en First Nation way of living. The clans would first meet in Telkwa in the spring, mainly to visit and celebrate their heritage. Then later the 13 houses would pack up the village and proceed to Moricetown for their summer fishing season.
Using gaff poles (spruce tree pole with a steel hook and bound by rope) the First Nation fisherman would wait patiently perched high above the river standing on exposed river boulders waiting to strike and hook the fish as they swim by underneath.
Today, the First Nation still fish the river but use deep nets mostly.
In Moricetown, during the summer, the Wet'suwet'en First Nation people would erect smokehouses, drying racks and fish traps. The men would set out to catch fish while the women would hike up the mountain to collect herbs and medicines.
After returning the women would start to preserve the catch. In the fall, after catching fish the focus of the hunt would shift to mountain goats, ptarmigan and caribou.
Once sufficient preparation was completed, the Wet'suwet'en people would hold various feasts celebrating the harvest. The general meeting of all the people was an opportunity for the chiefs to deal with clan business and for trading goods among houses.
The feasts would last for days and would be celebrated by many houses. Many feasts later the clans would start to return to their villages in preparation for winter - each clan's departure date depending on the length of the journey back to their village.
Once home the clan would work on their longhouses, stacking firewood, and finishing repairs so to securely store their food on stilts inside. During the winter the elders and their wives would prepare for next seasons hunt and children would learn about hunting while maintaining the longhouses.
Moricetown is located 30 km west of Smithers and 31 km east of Hazelton, BC on the main highway of the region known as Highway 16. Follow the signs. Cannot miss the community.
It was just another early morning in Houston, B.C. I got up and turned on the computer and we went to feed the deer which were waiting as they do most mornings. I came back in, checked my computer and there I found a few UFO sighting reports which I still have to work on, but it was a telephone call that came in that grabbed my attention. A lady by the name of Melvina was so excited to tell me what had taken place in Moricetown behind her mother's home on March 8, 2009 after dark.
On Monday evening Melvina's mother heard an awful racket/strange and loud noise coming from the back of her property.
It certainly did frighten her as the sound was so very unusual and the dogs certainly were going wild over what was happening. She contacted her daughter and Melvina came down the next day to look into what took.
She put on a set of snow shoes and headed out into the forest. In the open areas, (not under any trees) the snow would have been approximately a foot and a half in depth. Under the trees the snow pack was only inches deep.
As Melvina made her way over the snow and under the low hanging spruce branches she glanced ahead of her to see tracks in the snow. Even from a short distance away the tracks appeared to be unusually large.
Soon she was shocked to find a large foot print that really should not have been there. Melvina did look around and after a short while she headed back to her mother's home, ran inside and told her mom what she had discovered and called the Peak FM radio station in Smithers, British Columbia as it was one of the closet media outlets. One of the staff members at Peak FM gave
Melvina my telephone number and then she contacted me.
As I listened to her telling me some of the details of what she witnessed in the snow, I became more and more interested as I started to believe we may really have found something here. I asked when would it be okay for me to drive out so I could have a look at the tracks. Melvina said any time was fine with her.
Knowing the incident took place sometime after dark on March 8, 2009 and I got this call on March 9, 2009. I figured I had better get going as quickly as possible before bad weather moved in. I packed the necessary things I needed, and rang around some friends looking for some snow shoes.
I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door, into the truck and was driving out of Houston toward Moricetown here in British Columbia.
After my hour and a half drive I arrived in Moricetown and easily found Melvinas mother's home. There I met her mom, Melvina and three other family members. All were really kind to me, some bringing out there digital cameras to show me the pictures they took of the tracks.
After seeing these I was hooked and excited to get out to the back of the property to look around and see with my own eyes.
Five of us took our time walking over the hard packed snow until reaching the area where the tracks were discovered. To my surprise and excitment there they were, just as Melvina had told me.
Why I mentioned that I was surprised, is that I have taken many a long road trips to visit folks who have claimed to have had a UFO or Sasquatch encounter, only to find out someone's imagination was running a little wild! It can be more than frustrating!
Below is the first track I was shown. You will notice I do have a plastic ruler beside the foot print and this does not cover the entire length of the track. This one track measured 17 and a half inches in length and what appears to be three toes imprinted into the snow that can clearly be seen.
The width across the front part of the foot (outside of left toe to outside of right toe) measures seven inches in width. The arch part of the foot measures 5 inches across and at the back of the heel, this measured 4 inches wide. It sunk down 8 inches into the snow.
Next picture is another look at the track from a different angle.
Next picture shows the length of the stride of the creature which measured 3 and a half feet in length.
What I found really interesting was that there was a creek down a very steep incline. This was some steep hill and went a long way down to the bottom. The creature walked up the hill in about a foot and a half deep snow not breaking it's stride which were close to the same length, 3 and a half feet or better.
There was also another surprise for me, in one of the tracks at the back end of the heel, there we found droplets of blood caked into the hard snow.
This portion of the iced snow was dug out and brought back home with me so we could have it analyzed. Barb Campbell at UAD Research in Saskatchewan (Site Closed) will be receiving the blood sample and a hair sample for testing.
Next Picture shows trace with blood inside.
Next picture is a photo of a hair sample, although very hard to view. This will be tested to see if it is anything out of the norm. Update: Hair turned out to be a Moose hair.
Next picture is another photo of the same track, without ruler.
This gives an idea of what I was looking at, there are more photos, but I can't post them all.
I have added a few more pictures below.
The northern part of the province of British Columbia is certainly a hot spot for sightings of the Sasquatch.
In the latter part of 2008 numerous sightings were reported to me, also Sasquatch footprints were discovered in Burns Lake by a couple of Mormons.
Photos were taken of these as well. On my trip to Moricetown I found out about other Sasquatch sightings that have taken place in there last year and years past.
If anyone has been witness to Sasquatch, please send me an email with details of what you saw. Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from everywhere in the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: or
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Kecksburg UFO Crash Eyewitness Gives Detailed Account (Audio Interview)
(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Reposted by Mel.
I would like to give my many thanks to the eyewitness for his excellent report. Also I would like to encourage any other folks who have been witness to this event, or have any information to please contact me at:
I have written up the report which I have taken from the audio interview I did with the eyewitness today, October 22, 2005. The full report is below.
Also I have added the audio interview as well to this amazing report.
As mentioned above I called the witness on October 22, 2005 and took his statement of the events that he remembers happening in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. The man was very aware of what he saw, although this event took place so many years ago. He went on to explain why he was in the area at the time of the amazing experience and of course described what he saw.
The witness said it was a particularly warm night for December, by local standard it was rather balmy he told me. He, his brother and a friend decided to go raccoon hunting. They gathered up the three dogs and drove out to an area called Freeman Falls. From there the fellows all split up and had agreed to meet back at the truck.
They were walking through the woods with quite a bit of space between them. Larry, the man I spoke with, was at the lowest end of the line, which had him closer to where the crash site was going to be. At one point, as he was moving through the woods, he looked back in the direction of Kecksburg because a bright light happened to catch his eye.
His first thoughts were that it was a plane with a orange landing light on it, but quickly realized that the light was just to bright to be on a plane, and seemed now to be a plane on fire or in trouble. All of a sudden whatever it was, changed course 90 degrees very abruptly. At this point the object was heading directly towards his position but again it made another course change, moving away from him. Then suddenly its direction changed once more and seemed to be heading straight for him.
He stated that it appeared to maintain a certain altitude then all of a sudden made a sharp dip downwards from roughly 500 to 600 feet in altitude to approximately 300 feet and at a high rate of speed. Standing rather in shock, he assumed his brother and friend had also seen this due to it's brightness and flying at such a low level.
But he told me that the other two people had not seen it, which may have been due to them being a distance away from him. From this point he watched it come down. He moved quickly threw the woods with one of the dogs to the area where the object had crashed and scrambled down into the ravine, thinking he might be able to help someone from the crash. He immediately noticed a small brush fire had started around the crash area.
Once in the ravine and close enough to the crashed object, he quickly figured out that what he was looking at was not an airplane that he knew of. The object had partially dug itself into the ravine and he could see that approximately two to three feet of it was buried into the ground. He noted the back side of the object was flat and approximately five feet in diameter and the sides looked textured/rippled. Larry had with him a six volt dry cell light that he was using for raccoon hunting, he shone the light on the object and could see that it was steaming due to the intense heat it was giving off, plus some smoke due to the small brush fires that had been started.
With his light, he tried to see if there was any kind of opening or identifying markings on it, but saw a metal band about one foot up from the base. Larry could clearly see some kind of drawings or lettering on the band. It was maybe two inches wide. Still looking at the lettering or figures, to him they made no sense or were not any written language he had seen before. He said there were a series of dots, swirls, triangular shapes and some looked like crosses with two lateral lines running across them.
At the time, he was only about 15 feet away from the bronze colored object and seeing Larry was looking at something very unknown to him, his next thought was to go back to get his brother and then to seek or get to the phone to call for help. He climbed back out of the ravine, couldn't find his dog anywhere, then whistled and his dog did finally come to him.
Running through the bush and yelling out his brothers name, he finally met up with his brother and the friend. The first thing out of Larry's brother's mouth was, "my god, what was it"? Larry took his brother and friend to the area where the object was embedded into the ground to show them, all of them at a bit of a distance and the other two could not figure out what it was either. Then the fellows all heard the fire engines coming in their direction from Kecksburg. Seeing the fire department was on the way, Larry's brother mentioned that there wasn't much they could do, so they left and took the dogs home.
(Note: Larry thought it was important to note that when the three of the fellows were standing looking at the object, and having their dogs with them all of the dogs were certainly agitated and had the hair standing up on their backs and sniffing the air. The dogs also kept trying to hide behind the fellows as the leashes were getting caught up in the guys legs).
After the brothers arrived home they told their parents about what they had seen and that got the boys father's curiosity going and they decided to go back for another look. Larry said at that time alot of folks were driving up to the area to see what had happened. Of course by this time the Mount Pleasant Fire Department was on the scene as they thought they were heading to a plane crash.
Of course when the general public and Larry and his family arrived near the location where he saw the object, the Sheriff's department had already erected a barrier across the road and not allowing anyone to get close to the crash site. When Larry's father asked the Sheriff what had happened, he said he had no information other than the Fire Department was dealing with the incident.
Eventually they left and went back home, and watched the news later that evening but didn't hear anything really on what happened. But the next day Larry went to school and the teachers told the classes that they were not to talk about the event that took place the night before.
Actually Larry went on to say that the teachers mentioned that what people saw, was no more than a meteor/meteorite that has crash landed. As Larry said, he found that rather odd that they weren't to talk about a meteor. Well he knew it wasn't a meteor as he had witnessed it up close and personal, and told his friends about what he witnessed.
(At this point in the interview Larry stated the reason why he was coming out with this now was he hoped that by telling what he saw in the ravine that night, it just might mend the rift that was dividing the community. He also stated that what hit the ground was certainly not a meteor, he wasn't claiming it to be a UFO as he just didn't have any ideas to what it was he saw. He even had thoughts of it being a Russian Space Capsule).
Larry spoke about the reproduction that was made of the object and which was placed on top of the Kecksburg Fire Department, it was very similar to what he saw in the ravine that evening.
As the months and years passed by and things settled down over the event that took place in Kecksburg, it was a few years later when Larry enlisted into the Airforce as a aircraft fighter mechanic, and was stationed at Hamilton AFB which is located in Marin County, CA.
He was in the barracks one evening when the alert siren went off and some F106 jet interceptors were scrambled and had intercepted something over the Pacific ocean. He mentioned that this was common as the Russian and American aircraft would play this cat and mouse game. Over some time the aircraft mechanics and pilots became rather close, and they became good friends.
Larry told me that one of the pilots stationed at the base was a very seasoned pilot, did two tours in Vietnam and the next day Larry asked the pilot who was a Major, you guys were scrambled last night, the pilot said yes. Larry asked were the Russian playing games again, and the pilot replied: Quote: "I don't know what the hell it was"!
Larry then started talking to him and related his story of what he saw in the ravine at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Larry said the pilots jaw dropped almost to the ground. And asked, you actually saw it ? Larry said yes and assumed he was the first person to see the object. Well it ended up that the pilot had a good friend who served with the Michigan National Guard back in 1965 who actually intercepted the object which fell in Kecksburg on the same night Larry saw the object.
There were a number of fighter aircraft that had followed the object, or from their aircraft could track it. Larry assumed that the fighter jets had tracked the object for some distance before it hit the ground, but he said he had heard no aircraft on the night the object crashed. Later on after the Michigan National Guard pilots who followed the object returned to their base, they were told by base commanders that the object had landed in Western Pennsylvania and was nothing more than a meteorite. End of story!
Brian Vike asked Larry if he roughly knew when the military showed up in the town of Kecksburg. He said approximately one hour after the object crashed. I also asked how far away any military base would have been from the crash site.
Larry said the nearest base was not all that far away. (Brian Vike is wondering how the military was able to arrive so quickly after the object crashed, and in force by the sounds of it. Then one looks at the fighter aircraft already being sent out and following the object, the military knew ahead of time where the unknown had come down, or at least the approximate location where to look. Of course Larry believed the military were also already on their way as well as they had to have been tracking it as it came in).
Larry said another thing he felt important to mention was, that night of the crash when they came back with their father to the crash area, the Fire Department were there along with the police who did have the road blocked off so no traffic was able to pass by as I mentioned in the report above. But then the next day the family traveled back to the area where the object came down, Larry said the military were everywhere!
And in another hamlet called Mammoth the military were walking all over the area and with a barrier set up, and on the barrier there was a sign which read, "deadly force authorized beyond this point", "no admittance" and the soldiers were carrying M-14's weapons and Larry said they were pointing the guns in the direction of people. And of course the military still telling everyone in the community that all the object was, was a meteorite. As Larry said, why all the fuss and pointing weapons at folks if all it was, was a meteorite.
Larry also remarks, when the military really lost credibility, is when they said nothing had landed.
Anyway he went on to say it was the night of the second day of the crash, or the night after the crash the military removed what ever it was on a flatbed truck covered with a large tarp and rumors were saying it went to Wright-Patterson AFB.
Larry also said folks living at the junction at Meteor Road witnessed the military trucks (a number of them) moving into the area, one appeared to be a mobile command unit and pulling a trailer. A perimeter was set up all around the crash site.
Larry said about a year or two after the crash, and them still hunting in the area when his brother was coming over the top of a hill and walking through a hay field he came across a K- ration can. After his brother found the one K- ration, he kicked the ground a little bit and discovered a few more cans, of course military issue.
The fellows investigated a little more to see if they might find any more trash left behind by the military, and Larry said nothing else was found. They swept the area in a circular pattern, but he thought it might be interesting if someone was to go to the area with a metal detector to see what, if anything, they might be able to find, which might provide an answer to how the area was cordoned off to the general public by the military.
So there we have an interesting report from a person who had an incredible experience, one I am sure he will never ever forget.
Remember, you can listen to this telephone interview at my website. I gave the link for the audio report near the middle of this story. It is well worth listening to.
I would also like to thank Larry for allowing me to do an interview with him for the audio portion, and also for a fascinating report.
Brian Vike (Retired)
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
Highway #16 Outside Houston British Columbia UFO Hovers Directly Over Ladies Truck (Audio Interview)
(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files)
The original report below, sighting in Houston, British Columbia came from Mr. Peter Davenport at the NUFORC ( as he thought I would be interested in looking into the case due to it being in the area where I live.
Brian Vike called the lady who filed the report to Peter and I had a long conversation with her. I did not realize just how much more there was to the case. Also the lady who I named Connie in this report will writing up a full version of all events that have taken place over the years.
Thank you to the kind lady for taking the time to have a wonderful conversation with me.
I did speak to her later on and some other cases of abduction were brought up within her family. I have not and won’t for personal reasons be posting that conversation.
Minutes Outside Houston, British Columbia (Brian Vike’s Home Town)
Date: August 8, 1998
Time: 2:00 a.m.
It was 2:00 a.m. and I was headed East on the Yellowhead Highway, Hwy 16. I was just a few miles outside of Houston. I had just left the little town of Smithers and I was looking for a Fair Grounds that I had thought they had there to stay overnight with 5 horses that I had brought out of Alaska.
I had traveled this highway lots of times and usually stayed in Vanderhoof or Quesnel, but the road had been bad coming down the Cassiar Hwy and had slowed me down.
My traveling companions besides the 5 equines consisted of my SharPei dog (CharChar) and 1 cat (Sally). It was my traveling companions that alerted me to something unusual in the beginning.
Char started howling in a strange way and was looking out the rear window. I could see a strange white glow on her when I turned around.
At first this registered as light coming off my front running lights on the horse trailer, the problem being they are orange, not white. Still did not register with me that there was anything unusual yet.
Then Sally, the cat, started making strange noises I never had heard before and she actually jumped up on the seat in front with me then jumped back to the back and went under the seat. Her hackles were up at the time.
Meanwhile, Char is running from the back rear window to me and whining and her hackles are up. I was at this point starting to get spooked.
I had slowed down considerably looking for the Fair Grounds and had been leaning forward on the steering wheel (there was some ground fog in the valleys there too).
It was at this time that I realized the truck was glowing with a white light and the ground around me also was. It was like I was in a big spotlight with one of those new blue-white headlights they have out now.
I leaned forward and looked up and realized that there was something over me. It was as larger than a large full moon in size in the sky and was a glowing green color with this large white light in the middle. Like a stupid idiot I really slowed down and rolled my window down and listened.
I heard no engines. At this point I am trying to justify this with a meteor, crashing plane, helicopter, anything but imagining that I could be the perfect "UFO medical experiment on wheels, 5 equine,1 feline,1 canine and 1 hominid."
This my daughter later reminded me of and we had a good laugh, however I failed to see the humor in it at the time it was happening. I don't think I directly thought of this however I know it had to be in my mind.
The object suddenly removed the light from me and then sped forward. I was at this point going up a hill and it appeared to be going to the top of the hill to land.
It was at this point I actually saw 3 points of light that were red or orange on the edge. I thought they might have been engine exhaust or after burners. It was a little unclear with the fog I was going in and out of.
This was not a heavy fog, more like a mist. It hesitated at the crest of the hill then suddenly made a sharp turn and headed due North from me. It was at this point that I realized that I had come to a complete stop in the Highway.
Myself and Char were just staring at this thing. I can't tell you what was running through her mind but I can tell you I was now scared.
It went through this mist and went right up and over a small mountain there. I could see the glow of light from beyond the mountain like it had landed. I got going again quite quickly and stopped in the next town to call my husband.
He is in the USAF and while I am relating all this to him it was at this time I realized that the entire Convenience Store was now quiet.
Everyone in there was listening to me! One of the customers in there told me that there had been sightings in the area all Summer! Well I ask if there was a RCMP close at hand because I still thought that maybe I should report it.
The clerk in the store he did not think the office for just reporting would be open at this time so I just determined I would call later. There were 2 logging truck drivers there that said that I could park between them if I was still scared since they would be there until 6:00 when the mill opened. This is exactly what I did.
The next morning I started off again headed for Arlington,Washington. Somewhere before Prince George I spied a RCMP on the side of the road running radar and it was a woman. I thought this would be the chance to talk to someone so I parked on the side of the road and approached her vehicle.
I had made sure that I had picked up one of my Business Cards first.(I run a horse transport business so I do a lot of traveling at night.
It is easier on the horses especially in the Summer. I also had lived 17 years in Alaska so I knew this Hwy and this was a first for me on it.)
When I came up the first thing out of mouth was that here was my business card, that I did not do drugs nor rarely drank and certainly had been doing neither the previous night.
She listened to my tale then handed the card back to me and kind of chuckled.
Without saying anything to me she got on the radio back to Houston, BC, Canada and told them I would be calling in a report.
I interrupted her to ask if it would be a problem if I called once I got to a land line in Washington and she said yes. Well this went better than I had expected.
I really thought that she might have been calling out the "paddy wagon" with the straight jackets for me. It was at this time after speaking on the radio she got out of the car and looked at me straight on. She then proceeded to tell me she believed me and did not think that
I was a "nut" since if I was a nut seeing things at night then they had 2 RCMP's that were the same and were seeing things in broad daylight. She said that a craft had been sited in the same area just a few days before.
I proceeded on feeling much better actually. When I got to Arlington, Washington at a motel I called the desk at the RCMP's at Houston and gave them a full report.
Visitations By Little People
The story is real but the names in this report below are fictitious for obvious reasons.
Connie - Driver of the vehicle who had the amazing encounter in Houston, British Columbia.
I telephoned the witness as I had a number of question I wanted to ask her. She lives with her husband on their ranch in North Carolina. The lady was such a pleasant person to talk with, also owns her own business and has degrees in anthropology and archaeology from the University of Houston, Texas.
As far as I am concerned she is a very credible witness who gave a number of details in her report that only residents in my area would know about.
As we chatted about what took place that early morning, she went on to tell me about some other frightening experiences which has followed her throughout her life. The sad part to the story is that not only is she being effected, but members of her family and now her young grandchild as well.
When I hear about children being involved with such events it saddens me. It is bad enough for adults to deal with the strange happenings, but to know that children are having visitations, etc.. it really does break my heart.
The lady went on to say that her daughter was joking with her about her being a rolling medical experiment on wheels, as she was carrying her pets, horses and of course herself. When her daughter said this, Connie didn't find it very amusing due to what has, and still is, going on in her family.
Connie told me she has had some other troubling times in her family. Her son had an experience and Connie as well.
Connie said she called them her little people. She told me she had many dreams, not so much vivid ones, but dreams. But she was very upset when her son, then three years old and when all of them were living in Alaska.
It got so bad that she took her son to a psychologist thinking a three year old couldn't make up such a story if something wasn't taking place. Connie not knowing at the time when she made the appointment for her son that the psychologist was a child specialist.
The psychologist said to Connie that her son kept talking about this "thing" over and over while they were in the psychologist office.
The lady psychologist told Connie you would not believe how many children come through her office telling a similar story, of these unusual experiences. Connie mentioned to the psychologist that even when she was a child, and now an adult she still has her dreams about her visitors or little people.
Connie told me that her husband doesn't even want to hear about any of the experiences anymore, mainly due to not being able to do anything about them ( a feeling of helplessness).
But it wasn't until the summer of 1987 when Connie and all of her children went to Barnes and Noble book store in Austin Texas to pick up a book she was interested in reading. While looking around the book store, her young son asked his mother if he could go and look at some of the children's books.
Connie said yes, but told him that he was not to wander off and stay where she was able to keep him in her sight. As the youngster made his way to the children's book section he went around a corner, or a different book section which displayed other book topics.
All of a sudden all of the shoppers in the book store could hear a young child yell out, "here's my monster Mom"!
Connie's son came running back to her with a book in his hand, again yelling out, "here's my monster Mom". What the little boy was holding in his hands was a copy of Mr. Whitley Srieber's book, Communion.
On the front cover of the book was this young boys monster, a being with large dark almond shape eyes. Connie told me after her son gave out the loud yell you could have heard a pin drop in the book store as everyone was looking in their direction.
Connie took the book from her son, went through the check out and paid for the copy. She wanted to have an idea of what was frightening her child. It wasn't until she got home and later that evening when laying in bed reading a book she had already started did she realize the book in her hands was another one by Whitley Srieber. She had not put two and two together and was rather surprised.
Connie went on to say that now her six year old granddaughter is going through the same things as her son had. Judy tells her Mother and Grandmother that there are little old men who visit me in the night. More information will be coming on how the little girl is doing.
Connie told me when she was a little girl she was terrified of the dark and insisted on having the lights on when she was sleeping, and she told me it is still like this today. Also she doesn't sleep very well.
Connie also discussed some other bizarre things that happened to her over the years of these visitations. One time while still living in Alaska she had a frightful nightmare, woke up the next morning with a burn mark on her tailbone.
This burned circle on her back stayed with her for approximately two weeks and she did seek medical help over it. Connie also told me that she has had bad nose bleeds since she was a child, and the same with her son. On one of Connie's trips this last year something extraordinary took place.
She was having excruciating headaches and had nightmares before she had left home, matter of fact she woke up the night before she left on her trip and saw beings standing in the doorway. Her nose bleeds became very severe and her husband said we are going to have to take you in to see a doctor when you come back off the road trip.
Connie at this time was transporting horses and was calling her husband on the telephone. On one call she made to her husband at a stop over at a motel, Connie said that her nose was very stuffed up, bad pain above her eye and was taking aspirin for the pain.
She said she was continually blowing her nose and getting more blood from her nostril the more she blew until her left nostril was completely stuffed up and no air could pass through it.
Finally still trying to clear her sinuses she blew into a tissue a couple more times when something broke free. To her surprise in her tissue was a piece of material approximately one half inch long, one quarter inch wide and had the strangest little nodules on the material.
Connie said the debris felt like bone and was pinkish in color. Seeing she was frightened, on her own and upset, Connie flushed the material down the toilet at the motel. Ever since that day she discarded this bit of material, she has had no more problems.
A sad part to this story is that Connie had to help with her grandmother. At the time the doctors thought Connie's grandmother was mentally ill and wanted to have her committed. This was due to her seeing things at her home during the nights.
She also walked around with a flashlight all night long Connie told me. As we know with the abduction experience it seems to run through the families, sometimes starting with the grandparents to their children, to their children and on and on it can go.
So was Connie's grandmother having visitations ? Even after Connie's grandmother had passed away and the house was bought by another family member, strange happenings still go on to this day in that home.
If anyone has witnessed the UFO/Object, please send me an email with details of what you saw. Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from everywhere in the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
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The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
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