Date: October 11, 2014
Time: Approx: 8:15 p.m.
Hi, we just sighted exactly the same thing you described in your blog from two years ago.
At about 8:15 this evening in Leduc, me, my wife, daughter and mother all saw it. I watched 3 bright orange lights heading south east. The shape went from a "triangle" to a semi straight line.
The lights went from bright to dim to bright than vanished. Scared the hell out of my 8 year old daughter and wife.
Than, immediately after those lights vanished, I saw a single bluish light that I assumed was a satellite crossing in the same area as the "triangle" orange lights, but it was moving far to fast to be a satellite.
Again, it seemed to vanish into thin air. We didn't "lose" sight of it as I could view planes for far longer distances that were not as bright so I have no clue what we saw.
Soon as I got home, I did a basic Google search to figure out what it could have been only to discover that they're have been thousands of similar sightings around the world.
Kind of cool, but also a little freaky. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Thanks.
If anyone has witnessed the lights/objects, please send me an email with details of what you saw. Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from everywhere in the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: v_factor_paranormal@live.com or b_vike@telus.net
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
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