(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Re-posted by Mel.
Pictures and a video clip have been added of the area, welcome to Granisle, British Columbia sign, Ferry that runs across Babine Lake (video and photo). What area roads are like in the winter.
I just happened to be out at Babine Lake this December of 2010 and I filmed a little from the barge when crossing the lake. Gives an idea of the area and I have added the footage below.
(Vike Factor Note: Granisle is a small town 45 minutes northeast from where I live in Houston, British Columbia, Canada. Granisle has a population of 400 residents and the main industries are tourism and logging. Once the site of a copper mine. (Granisle Copper and Bell Copper) who had two large open pit mines).
I was contacted by a gentleman ( RCMP Officer) recently who gave me quite a story. The witness was with another fellow driving north just a couple of kilometers south of Granisle, B.C. (their exact location when they viewed the craft was at Topley Landing). The two large forest companies here in Houston have a barge which runs back and forth across Babine Lake carrying logging trucks. The old Bell Copper mine is directly across the lake from the witnesses position. An approximate guess would be a 3/4 to 1 mile between the craft and the witnesses.
The officers observed a large glowing orange/gold almost saucer shaped (oval) object hovering right over top the old Bell Copper mine. They said it was very low to the ground. At this point they pulled over to have a look and to try to figure out what they were seeing. As they watched the object hover, it would rise up very slowly and come to a complete stop, move sideways then stop and drop down roughly the same height from the ground when the witnesses first saw it.
Vike Factor Note: I asked if they witnessed any type of light coming from the object, meaning a downwards beam of light. They both told me no, no lights were seen coming from the object. They did say that it almost looked as if every time the object moved to another position and dropped back down, it seemed to them the light intensity grew from the object while it stayed stationary. At "one" point the object moved out over the lake and stopped for a few seconds, then went back over top the mine once again.
They mentioned they heard no sound at all, but keeping in mind that the two police officers were some distance away from the object when viewing it. Vike Factor Note: I asked them if they could give me an approximate size of this UFO. Their rough estimate was about the size of the moon (maybe a hair smaller). They also said there were a few other cars and trucks that passed by them at the time, but no one stopped.
But they did say that everyone traveling the highway had to have seen it, you couldn't miss it. They said the area around the object, (ground area) was lit up for some distance. Also due to the brightness of the craft it cast it's reflection on the lake. The men watched this event for approximately 7 minutes before it rose up and left slowly heading north, still at a low altitude and out of their sight.
(Vike Factor Note: I found this a very interesting case to work on. Three things came to mind. Why was this craft sitting over the old Granisle/ Bell Copper mine? Why did it move and stop over top of the lake? Why did the intensity seem to grow when it moved to a new position and hover? Actually I have a million questions I could think of to ask, but who? I am not sure if I can gain access to the mine, but I am going to check into it, as I would love to take a drive out to have a look around.
Also something to keep in mind, Granisle Copper and Bell Copper mine's sit on an island on Babine Lake. Since the mines have been closed for sometime it may be hard to get onto the property.
Also rumors have been floating around that one of the companies were thinking of going back in and high grading the remaining ore. One other note to this story which may be of interest. On the mine site there have been a good number of fossils found, one which has brought a lot of attention has been the Mammoth bones which have been found, and also were buried by the mine some time ago when it was in operation.
From a newspaper article in the Smithers Interior newspaper a while back the company thought it best to not have their mining operation stopped, or slowed down by having folks digging for these fossils.
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: sighting@telus.net
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
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