On the evening of February 31, 2004, a large number of Prince George residents were stunned and puzzled over what they were witnessing in the night sky between 8:00 - 10:00 p.m., PST. Some called the Prince George Citizen newspaper to explain what it was they saw, and how peculiar it was. All of the witnesses, by the dozens, observed two extremely bright, orange circular lights in the sky.
The lights stayed fairly close together and did not make any sudden moments. Many residents reported the lights just hanging there for a number of minutes before moving ever so slightly. Brian Vike's, The Vike Factor was contacted by the Prince George Citizen enquiring about it, and a staff reporter did an interview for Saturday, February 7, 2004, newspaper.
Over the weekend the telephone did not stop ringing. Many reports of orange lights came in from Prince George residents. Plus other very interesting reports for 2003 and back as far as the 1950s. Some of these reports included beams of lights hitting their vehicles as they travelled along the highway. A huge ball of light hovering over the tree tops not making any sound. A line of red balls of light sitting stationary in the night sky, etc...
After taking the calls and listening to the stories, some of the descriptions started me thinking. More folks contacted me. Some had watched the whole event unfold viewing the lights through binoculars. A retired military man was certainly the key to this case. Plus another lady who also gave a great description of the event.
I made several enquiries to the RCMP but the police had no information about the matter and took no calls from the general public over it.
I typed up a few reports below from the eye witnesses who called in.
Report #1
Report received February 7, 2004
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 30, 2004
Time: Between 8:00 & 9:00 p.m.
I had a call from a lady on February 7, 2004 who wanted to file a report on something she and her husband witnessed as they were driving down Tabor from 15th. They looked to the east and saw lights in the sky and thought at first it may have been an airplane. The witnesses mentioned they saw no strobe lights which they knew an aircraft would have. They reported the lights were moving rather slowly. As they drove down the road they passed by the trees which blocked their view of the lights in the sky. After they came to a clear area, they stopped the car and looked to the south and again noticed the lights.
The witnesses told me that when they saw it again, this time it appeared to look like a black balloon, or umbrella shape.
The lady said it looked as if the object would flip over, so the umbrella appearance was at the bottom and then would show up back on top. The lady and husband reported not a sound coming from it and whatever it was dropped downwards. The couple reported the lights as being white in color. The witnesses estimated they observed the event for approx: 5 minutes.
The folks didn't believe the object was very far from their location and said it wasn't that high up when they first saw it. Also they finally lost sight of the lights when they dropped down low enough that homes finally blocked their view. The people estimated the size to be roughly that of a golf ball. One other note, the witnesses said they believed that the lights were moving diagonally as they came closer to the ground.
Report #2
Report received February 7, 2004
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 31, 2004
Time: Between 9:00 - 9:30 p.m.
A gentleman called to report seeing the orange lights witnessed over Prince George on January 31, 2004. He and his wife live near 1st and Foothills in Prince George and were planning an evening out when the walked out of their home, which faces towards the downtown area they noticed the two orange colored lights in the night sky. They said the lights were very bright and that is what caught their attention. The witness went on to say he is used to seeing helicopters and fixed winged aircraft flying over all the time, but what he could not understand was the brightness of the lights, also how close the lights were to one another.
Over the weekend the telephone did not stop ringing. Many reports of orange lights came in from Prince George residents. Plus other very interesting reports for 2003 and back as far as the 1950s. Some of these reports included beams of lights hitting their vehicles as they travelled along the highway. A huge ball of light hovering over the tree tops not making any sound. A line of red balls of light sitting stationary in the night sky, etc...
After taking the calls and listening to the stories, some of the descriptions started me thinking. More folks contacted me. Some had watched the whole event unfold viewing the lights through binoculars. A retired military man was certainly the key to this case. Plus another lady who also gave a great description of the event.
I made several enquiries to the RCMP but the police had no information about the matter and took no calls from the general public over it.
I typed up a few reports below from the eye witnesses who called in.
Report #1
Report received February 7, 2004
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 30, 2004
Time: Between 8:00 & 9:00 p.m.
I had a call from a lady on February 7, 2004 who wanted to file a report on something she and her husband witnessed as they were driving down Tabor from 15th. They looked to the east and saw lights in the sky and thought at first it may have been an airplane. The witnesses mentioned they saw no strobe lights which they knew an aircraft would have. They reported the lights were moving rather slowly. As they drove down the road they passed by the trees which blocked their view of the lights in the sky. After they came to a clear area, they stopped the car and looked to the south and again noticed the lights.
The witnesses told me that when they saw it again, this time it appeared to look like a black balloon, or umbrella shape.
The lady said it looked as if the object would flip over, so the umbrella appearance was at the bottom and then would show up back on top. The lady and husband reported not a sound coming from it and whatever it was dropped downwards. The couple reported the lights as being white in color. The witnesses estimated they observed the event for approx: 5 minutes.
The folks didn't believe the object was very far from their location and said it wasn't that high up when they first saw it. Also they finally lost sight of the lights when they dropped down low enough that homes finally blocked their view. The people estimated the size to be roughly that of a golf ball. One other note, the witnesses said they believed that the lights were moving diagonally as they came closer to the ground.
Report #2
Report received February 7, 2004
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 31, 2004
Time: Between 9:00 - 9:30 p.m.
A gentleman called to report seeing the orange lights witnessed over Prince George on January 31, 2004. He and his wife live near 1st and Foothills in Prince George and were planning an evening out when the walked out of their home, which faces towards the downtown area they noticed the two orange colored lights in the night sky. They said the lights were very bright and that is what caught their attention. The witness went on to say he is used to seeing helicopters and fixed winged aircraft flying over all the time, but what he could not understand was the brightness of the lights, also how close the lights were to one another.
The couple stood just outside their front door watching the lights for a good three minutes, but due to them having reservations they had to get on their way. The husband wondered if it might be a UFO, his wife said it possibly might be a plane, but both still thought it looked rather odd. He told me he almost dismissed it at that time. But as they drove along 1st Avenue heading towards Tabor and not traveling very far the fellow decide it was time to pull the car over as he said one doesn't get to see anything like this very often or ever.
As they both sat watching, they were able to get a good view of what was taking place. One of the orange lights appeared to be over top of the other or maybe off to a bit of an angle to the left. Another 3 to 4 minutes passed and the bottom light started dropping off towards the left and seemed to flicker a little bit. He thought it may have been going into some of the light clouds that were present that evening, then all of a sudden the light disappeared.
As they both sat watching, they were able to get a good view of what was taking place. One of the orange lights appeared to be over top of the other or maybe off to a bit of an angle to the left. Another 3 to 4 minutes passed and the bottom light started dropping off towards the left and seemed to flicker a little bit. He thought it may have been going into some of the light clouds that were present that evening, then all of a sudden the light disappeared.
The other light was still visible and stayed around the same area in the sky for a little while longer. The witness estimated the last light held it's brilliance for maybe another 30 seconds before it started to flicker. It began to fade and then would become very bright again.
This went on for a very short period of time before it to vanished.
Again it was lightly overcast with a high ceiling. The witness also estimated the objects were roughly a finger length apart if one was to hold out their hand at arms length. The witness stated that the lights did sit stationary for some of the time, before moving. The witnesses reported no sound was heard, and no aircraft were seen in the area. At arm's length, using his thumbnail to guess at an approx: size of the lights, he said each one may have been one fifth of the size of his nail.
Report #3
Report received February 7, 2004
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 31, 2004
Time: approx: 9:30 p.m.
Calls kept coming into Brian Vike's, The Vike Factor over the January 31, 2004 sighting in Prince George, B.C.
Below is another report from a fellow who wanted to tell me what he witnessed that evening. The evening was overcast and no stars were visible at the time of the sighting. The man went on to tell me that his daughter spotted it first and then called to the rest of the family to come out and look at the strange lights in the sky which were reported to be just over top of one of the local mountains. He explained that the color of the lights were an orange/white.
This went on for a very short period of time before it to vanished.
Again it was lightly overcast with a high ceiling. The witness also estimated the objects were roughly a finger length apart if one was to hold out their hand at arms length. The witness stated that the lights did sit stationary for some of the time, before moving. The witnesses reported no sound was heard, and no aircraft were seen in the area. At arm's length, using his thumbnail to guess at an approx: size of the lights, he said each one may have been one fifth of the size of his nail.
Report #3
Report received February 7, 2004
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 31, 2004
Time: approx: 9:30 p.m.
Calls kept coming into Brian Vike's, The Vike Factor over the January 31, 2004 sighting in Prince George, B.C.
Below is another report from a fellow who wanted to tell me what he witnessed that evening. The evening was overcast and no stars were visible at the time of the sighting. The man went on to tell me that his daughter spotted it first and then called to the rest of the family to come out and look at the strange lights in the sky which were reported to be just over top of one of the local mountains. He explained that the color of the lights were an orange/white.
The witness also said he thought there may have been a small tail behind each of the lights, but it was hard to distinguish for certain. The lights were stationary for a very short time when these folks noticed them and as they watched, the lights did start to move but ever so slightly.
They said there were two very bright lights which looked identical to one another. The man's wife said they looked like landing lights from an aircraft due to how close they were together, and the brightness of them. They all ruled this out quickly as the lights just stayed in the one area of the sky. They observed the lights rise up for a short distance, still staying close to one another. As they watched one of the lights seemed to disappear quickly, but they didn't think it went into the clouds as he noted the cloud ceiling was rather high that night and the lights weren't close to them.
The other remaining light was seen to move back, or away from the families location and it also disappeared. Both lights were extremely bright, and the family said they stayed that way until they finally blinked out, or just vanished.
These folks figured they watched the lights for at least two minutes before they were gone. The man said, how long they were visible before he noticed them is anyone's guess. They also reported no sound and the witnesses said if it had a plane or helicopter you would have certainly have heard it. The folks estimated that the lights were approx: 10 times larger than their thumbnail.
Report #4
Report received February 7, 2004
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 31, 2004
Time: approx: 9:30 - 10:00 p.m.
Now this was a very interesting call that I received from a man who resides in Prince George, B.C. When I answered the phone, the fellow said he had just read their local newspaper and that he could tell me exactly what the lights were that everyone saw that evening. Below is the report the gentleman gave to me.
The fellow said he watched the whole event through a pair of field glasses. It was January 31, 2004, between 9:30 - 10:00 p.m. and the man claims "it" landed two blocks from his home. The witness said what he watched was a couple of night jumpers, jumping with parachutes with lights attached around their feet or ankles.
They said there were two very bright lights which looked identical to one another. The man's wife said they looked like landing lights from an aircraft due to how close they were together, and the brightness of them. They all ruled this out quickly as the lights just stayed in the one area of the sky. They observed the lights rise up for a short distance, still staying close to one another. As they watched one of the lights seemed to disappear quickly, but they didn't think it went into the clouds as he noted the cloud ceiling was rather high that night and the lights weren't close to them.
The other remaining light was seen to move back, or away from the families location and it also disappeared. Both lights were extremely bright, and the family said they stayed that way until they finally blinked out, or just vanished.
These folks figured they watched the lights for at least two minutes before they were gone. The man said, how long they were visible before he noticed them is anyone's guess. They also reported no sound and the witnesses said if it had a plane or helicopter you would have certainly have heard it. The folks estimated that the lights were approx: 10 times larger than their thumbnail.
Report #4
Report received February 7, 2004
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 31, 2004
Time: approx: 9:30 - 10:00 p.m.
Now this was a very interesting call that I received from a man who resides in Prince George, B.C. When I answered the phone, the fellow said he had just read their local newspaper and that he could tell me exactly what the lights were that everyone saw that evening. Below is the report the gentleman gave to me.
The fellow said he watched the whole event through a pair of field glasses. It was January 31, 2004, between 9:30 - 10:00 p.m. and the man claims "it" landed two blocks from his home. The witness said what he watched was a couple of night jumpers, jumping with parachutes with lights attached around their feet or ankles.
The man observed them coming over from the west over the hill. He mentioned that he had a fairly strong set of glasses (binoculars) and was clearly able to see the jumpers hanging in their chutes and saw when they turned their lights off. One of them landed in a park just two blocks away from the witnesses home and the other went towards the Fraser River and the BCR Railway. The gentleman figured the were practicing night jumping.
When the jumpers were first spotted they were rather high up and he and his wife first thought it may have been an airplane. He went on to say the lights were a very bright orange in color, and the reason they were no longer visible was simply because they had turned them off. The fellow, now retired, was in the military himself and had done a lot of jumping and as soon as he spotted the orange lights he thought it looked familiar due to the descent, plus the way the lights were traveling. When he looked through his binoculars he knew exactly what it was he was seeing.
He figured the jumpers used their lights to keep track of each other and to designate where they were going to. Once they started getting closer to the ground they turned off their lights and just used the lights from the city to land. He also said the chutes were beautiful, very modern shaped parachutes and the jumpers with such good gear were able to carry out some of the antics they pulled off that cold evening. It was actually comical as the witness said one of the jumpers almost turned himself upside down and then this would give the impression of the lights going back up into the night sky. The two jumpers were carrying out some acrobatics on their way and obviously no sound was reported.
Thank you very much to the witnesses for their reports.
Case Solved: The end result for this sighting was due to guys parachuting after dark, they had orange colored light strapped to their ankles.
Email Brian Vike: v_factor_paranormal@live.com
Brian Vike, The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
When the jumpers were first spotted they were rather high up and he and his wife first thought it may have been an airplane. He went on to say the lights were a very bright orange in color, and the reason they were no longer visible was simply because they had turned them off. The fellow, now retired, was in the military himself and had done a lot of jumping and as soon as he spotted the orange lights he thought it looked familiar due to the descent, plus the way the lights were traveling. When he looked through his binoculars he knew exactly what it was he was seeing.
He figured the jumpers used their lights to keep track of each other and to designate where they were going to. Once they started getting closer to the ground they turned off their lights and just used the lights from the city to land. He also said the chutes were beautiful, very modern shaped parachutes and the jumpers with such good gear were able to carry out some of the antics they pulled off that cold evening. It was actually comical as the witness said one of the jumpers almost turned himself upside down and then this would give the impression of the lights going back up into the night sky. The two jumpers were carrying out some acrobatics on their way and obviously no sound was reported.
Thank you very much to the witnesses for their reports.
Case Solved: The end result for this sighting was due to guys parachuting after dark, they had orange colored light strapped to their ankles.
Email Brian Vike: v_factor_paranormal@live.com
Brian Vike, The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
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