Date: 1980 Time: N/A
The third strange thing to happen around Milburn Lake took place in 1980. A friend and I were snow mobiling on the lake and decided to go onto the shore by a place we knew as Ricens Cabin. It was a burnt out old log cabin where kids would ice fish or in the summer swing on the Tarzan swing. Any ways we had gone ashore on the sled when we became stuck in deep snow. I jumped off to find a stick or something to help lift the sled out. As I approached the remains of the cabin, I noticed there were, what looked to be human foot prints in the snow, only they were naked foot prints and were very large.
There was only one set of tracks and the stride had to be double that of mine. I called my friend over to show him what I had found. After seeing the tracks he thought discretion was the better part of valor and we beat a hasty retreat back out onto the ice and away from the trees. This ends my weird stories about Milburn Lake and the mountain.
Please I would like to here from any one who has had similar experiences around there or who has heard anything similar.
Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.
Email Brian Vike: v_factor_paranormal@live.com
Brian Vike, The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
The third strange thing to happen around Milburn Lake took place in 1980. A friend and I were snow mobiling on the lake and decided to go onto the shore by a place we knew as Ricens Cabin. It was a burnt out old log cabin where kids would ice fish or in the summer swing on the Tarzan swing. Any ways we had gone ashore on the sled when we became stuck in deep snow. I jumped off to find a stick or something to help lift the sled out. As I approached the remains of the cabin, I noticed there were, what looked to be human foot prints in the snow, only they were naked foot prints and were very large.
There was only one set of tracks and the stride had to be double that of mine. I called my friend over to show him what I had found. After seeing the tracks he thought discretion was the better part of valor and we beat a hasty retreat back out onto the ice and away from the trees. This ends my weird stories about Milburn Lake and the mountain.
Please I would like to here from any one who has had similar experiences around there or who has heard anything similar.
Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.
Email Brian Vike: v_factor_paranormal@live.com
Brian Vike, The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
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