January 1976
Brian, I too was at Cannon AFB during the UFO sightings in January 1976.
In fact I was the 3rd shift Munitions OIC.
Two of my Senior NCOs and I witnessed the unexplained lights in the sky from the EOR.
However, in your Special Report you state that F-111s from Cannon were scrambled to check out the lights.
That did not happen. If planes had been scrambled, I and my NCOs would have been aware of the launch. I do however believe that fighters from another nearby base were scrambled during the multi-night sightings.
We noticed fighter silhouettes flying over the base during these nights.Thanks.
Thank you to the eye witness for the really interesting report.
Email Brian Vike: v_factor_paranormal@live.com
Brian Vike, The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
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