Date: February 23, 2015
Time: Approximately 11:00 p.m.
Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: In the late evening in the sky over Alberta and Southern parts of British Columbia Canada, a lot of people were witness to an amazing Fireball/Meteor display. You can view the story and picture at: CBC News - http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/fireball-spotted-in-sky-over-northern-alberta-1.1868465
Hi, my name is (name removed) On the night of February 23, 2015, I was going to bed at approximately 11:00 p.m.
As I open my bedroom windows every night, I was doing my usual nightly routine. I opened my bedroom window, and looked up into the sky and seen approximately 5-6 bright objects flying in the sky.
They were all in a tight formation, coming from the south heading north. There was no sound at all. The appearance of the objects were large and bright, but definitely single objects.
The height of them was approximately mountain top height. I started screaming for my husband, because I was so stunned at what I was seeing.
As they passed over I ran over to my north window, and saw them as they were still on the same course, heading north.
I drew this picture to show you what I saw. My husband who was downstairs at the time never got to see anything.
It happened very quickly. Also the other thing you noticed was a bright yellow aura all around them.
Thank you.
Thank you to the witness for their report and great diagram.
If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at sighting@telus.net or fill out the online UFO report form at http://sightings1.yolasite.com/ with details of what you saw.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: sighting@telus.net or b_vike@telus.net
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
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