(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Re-posted by Brian.
Vike Factor Note: Recently a number of sighting reports came from folks who reside in Edmonton, Alberta. People reported seeing a strange vertical bright orange beam of light in the sky over Edmonton Alberta.
I wasn’t sure what the people were/had seen so I started looking around the internet to see if there was a reasonable explanation for what was observed.
For me, two ideas came up, one thought was that people may have seen an “Aurora/Northern Lights” and the other possibly was a “Light Pillar”.

After researching a little more, I found that the “Light Pillar” was going to make more sense as to the cause for this sighting that took place on January 11, 2012 at approximately 11:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.
I therefore, wrote an email to the Telus World of Science – Edmonton, Alberta and the Edmonton Sun newspaper. I was hoping one or both parties might be able to help in solving this mystery.
First thing Monday morning I received a nice response from Mr. Frank Florian B.Sc., B.Ed from the Telus World of Science and he confirmed my thoughts on the light as being, a “Pillar of Light”
Below is Mr. Frank Florian’s reply to me:
Hi Brian, you are correct in your assumption that the effect of the vertical shaft of light was due to ice crystals. We just had a cold front move into the Edmonton area bringing temperatures down to below -20 Celcius and many individuals saw various atmospheric effects from the ice crystals that formed in the air, everything from Sun pillars and Parry Arcs during the day to light pillars off street lights and other bright light sources in the evening.
Here is an email I received from a fellow Royal Astronomical of Canada (RASC) Edmonton Centre member who took a photograph of a Sun pillar and Parry arc with a website that describes the phenomenon:
Vike Factor Note: Here is the website address, but I have not included the photo.
Member of the Royal Astronomical of Canada (RASC) comment: I took this at 4:06 January 15, 2012. Sun pillar capped with a Parry arc. More about Parry arcs here: http://www.atoptics.co.uk/halo/parry1.htm
Also below, is another sighting report on the vertical light with photos and eye witness filmed.
Pillar Of Light Filmed Over Edmonton Alberta (Pictures)
Date: January 11, 2012
Time: Approx: 11:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Orange vertical light in sky, looked like the sky was opening up. It was really bright, almost pulsating. Too big to be a ship I think, but it was defiantly unexplainable at least to me.
I took two pictures, but they are really grainy as my camera is not made for night time.
The two pictures are © 2012 Steven Townsend.
Below are some website links that explain what causes this light effect:
Towering Shafts of Light
Scientists Left Baffled as Mysterious Columns of Colored Light Appear in the Night Sky.
(Amazing Photos)
Also here is a link to YouTube where an eyewitness shot some video tape of the sighting over Edmonton, Alberta on January 11, 2012 the Pillar of Light.
Below are some of the other reports that were filed to Brian Vike at "The Vike Factor".
Edmonton Alberta - More Witnesses To Vertical Orange Beam Of Light
Peculiar Vertical Bright Orange Beam Of Light In The Sky Over Edmonton Alberta
Vertical Orange Beam Of Light Seen From Edmonton Alberta
Pillar Of Light Observed Over Edmonton Alberta
I would like to thank all of the people who sent in their sighting reports, and also my thanks to Mr. Frank Florian’s for his kind and very helpful email.
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: sighting@telus.net
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
Me and my girlfriend spotted vertical orange light at 7.45 pm on 4th march 2015 From Ingleby Barwick Teesside North East England ..amazing sight still cant work out what it was .. as i dont think its ice crystals as was,nt even that cold that night ..