Two Separate Reports for different military personal.
(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Re-posted by Brian.
Date: 1968
Hi Brian, It must have been about 1968 at Hickam Air Force Base AFB, where I was fulfilling my Air Force duty as a Air Policeman at the time, latter to be renamed Security Police.
Sometime during that year I met two Air Force Policeman who had been newly transferred from Wright Patterson AFB, to Hickam Air Force Base. When I asked these new guys why they had been reassigned I was shocked to hear their answers.
According to both of these persons, they had been guards outside at a top secret aircraft hanger, and instructed never to enter inside .
Yet one night they both decided to enter and check it out, inside they found themselves staring at the wreckage of a saucer type of craft, and some small bodies laid side by side. A Government civilian contractor entered the hanger after them.
Shortly thereafter they were reduced in rank, and transferred to Hickam Air Force Base. The story stayed with me, and I believe it to this day. When they told me the story, I think they were still in shock from their experience.
Thank you to the person for this report.
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: sighting@telus.net
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
Wright Field In Dayton Ohio - Circular Craft And Two Small Creatures Filmed
(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Re-posted by Brian.
Date: 1957
Time: Unknown
Full Description of event/sighting: In 1957 my father took me to see a movie called Earth VS The Flying Saucers. On the way home he was unusually quiet. Finally he said, "They were too big."
He then told me that 10 years earlier he had been stationed at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, where he was part of a film unit.
One day an officer came and told him and another man to grab a couple of 16mm movie cameras and follow him.
He took them to a heavily guarded hanger. Inside was a badly damaged circular craft and about an acre of debris placed on a canvass tarp. My father and his friend were instructed to get footage on everything. They did so.
They then were taken into a refrigerated unit at the rear of the hanger, inside the unit was what my father described as a museum case holding the bodies of two small creatures gray, thin with large eyes but no eyelids. One showed some sever wounds, the other had no visible injuries.
They were instructed to get footage of the creatures, when the case was opened to allow a better shot there was a smell similar to dead fish.
When they had finished filming the cameras were confiscated instead of being taken back to the lab for processing.
My father said he and his friend were literally sworn to secrecy.
My father only spoke of this to me that one time and me promise never to tell anyone. Since he recently passed away I feel I am now at liberty to relate his story.
My father was very patriotic and very religious and not prone to making things up
Out of respect for his privacy and mine I submit this report anonymously.
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: sighting@telus.net
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
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