(From Brian Vike’s UFO Files) Re-posted by Brian.
Omineca Express Newspaper of Vanderhoof, B.C. http://www.ominecaexpress.com/?time=20131010
Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: The Omineca Express Newspaper in Vanderhoof, British Columbia ran a excellent and large newspaper article on some of the sightings that were taking place west along Highway #16 between Prince George and and Smithers, British Columbia.

Actually the sightings continued along Highway #16 from Smithers, B.C. up to Terrace, Kitimat and Prince Rupert, B.C. In the year 2002 I received 1/5th of all the reported sightings in Canada, that is just how busy it was here in my neck of the woods.
For the past six weeks, a large, bright white UFO has been stalking the towns along Provincial Highway 16 in Canada's British Columbia province.
It began on Thursday night, January 31, 2002 in Burns Lake, B.C. (population 1,793), a town located 138 miles (221 kilometers) west of Prince
George, B.C.
According to ufologist Brian Vike, "About 6 kilometers (4 miles) east of Burns Lake is the KOA Campground and trailer court. About 3:00 a.m.," the witness and his girlfriend "were awakened by a bright light shining in the bedroom window."
Image Left: Displaying the route (Highway #16) where all the UFO sightings were happening.
At first the witness thought it was a headlight beam from a logging truck passing by on Highway 16. Then he realized that the bedroom window faces the spruce and fir forest of northern British Columbia.
The following evening, Friday, February 1, 2002, "three women went to Smithers, B.C. (population 5,624) for a day of shopping." At approximately 8:45 p.m., they went home to Houston, B.C. (population 3,934)," 40 miles (64 kilometers) east of Smithers. "After passing the small community of Telkwa, just 3 kilometers (2 miles) east of Smithers, they all noticed a 'very' bright light glowing through the overcast."
At first the three women thought it was the moon becoming visible through the clouds. Then "they gasped as this object pushed slowly through the cloud cover, descending as it came closer."
"The witnesses were travelling at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour (54 miles per hour) with the glowing object coming towards them. One of the girls thought it might be a bomb or something. The glowing light dropped to about just above the treetops, still moving in their direction and getting closer to the highway."
"The lower the light came to them, the larger it grew in size." Curious, the driver "slowed the car to approximately 50 kilometers per hour (30 miles per hour) to get a better look. The bright light was just above the vehicle. The driver of the car stepped on the gas and sped up to put some distance between them and the light, which turned out to be a large craft."
Image Left: Welcome sign for Smithers, British Columbia. This is where many of the Highway #16 UFO sightings were taking place.
"One of the girls, who was sitting in the back seat, watched the object as it passed over the car." She said "there were seven large bright white lights passing overhead with two orange lights at either end."
"Very shaken and nervous," the witnesses drove on "while the object continued on its way towards Telkwa. It was similar to a boomerang in shape and a 'guesstimate' of size would have placed the object at least 450 feet (135 meters)" in length.
Two days later, on February 3, 2002, at 7 p.m., a couple "at home in Houston, B.C.," located on Highway 16 188 miles (301 kilometers) west of Prince George, had a strange UFO experience. All at once, "the wife heard a loud humming noise coming from outside. She got up to investigate" and "looked out a couple of windows before she noticed a large bright white object hovering above the Bulkley River, just north a few hundred yards (meters) from their place of residence."
"She called to her husband to come see it. They both witnessed this large bright white object shooting beams of light down towards the river while hovering at treetop level. The sighting lasted approximately 30 seconds...before it shot up the side of the mountain and disappeared."
(Editor's Comment: On occasion UFOs are seen shooting these light stabs at the ground. The reason for this activity is unknown.)
On Friday, February 15, 2002, "a family was coming back to Prince George from Vancouver, B.C. Just before 11:30 p.m. they drove down a long straight stretch of road which runs by the industrial site near the Fraser River Bridge. The wife looked over to her right and observed three very bright lights, 'almost like stadium lights,' up on the hillside."
They drove past a parked van and "saw another vehicle stopped with its door open and a man outside watching the sky." They crossed the Fraser River Bridge and took the first exit on the opposite shore. This road turned and ran along the riverbank underneath the bridge. From there, they hoped to observe the three mysterious hovering lights again. "But all three had vanished."
Prince George (population 75,150) in at the junctions of Highways 97 and 16, approximately 478 miles (765 kilometers) north of Vancouver.
On Thursday, February 28, 2002, around 6:00 a.m. "a woman saw mysterious lights in the sky approximately 13 miles (20 kilometers) east of Vanderhoof, B.C. on Langston Road leading toward Prince George." The witness said the lights hovered near Sinkut Mountain, and "at first thought they were someone logging using one of the big (tree-cutting) machines as the lights were so bright."
The witness and her husband described the UFO as "large, very bright lights, not very high in the sky at all," and "orangey-white in colour. They
said they watched the lights for about 20 minutes until they completely vanished."
Vanderhoof (population 4,401) is on Highway 16 approximately 58 miles (93 kilometers) west of Prince George.
On Friday, March 1, 2002, "There was an unusual light in the direction of Sinkut Mountain, which she (the witness) could see from her kitchen. Her first thought is that it was just a logging truck." She described the light as "white and extremely bright. She had looked at this through binoculars and it was just a pure white light and was there for quite some time" around 5:30 a.m. "The light would move, then would stop, and then was gone. But in an instant, it was back to where it had started from." (See the Omineca Express of Vanderhoof, B.C. for February 25, 2002. Many thanks to Brian Vike for these reports.)
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: sighting@telus.net
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
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