Monday, December 6, 2010

Orange UFO Lights Up The Woods And Witnesses Car At Waynesville Ohio

Date: November 25, 2010
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.

I recently began inquiring into orange light phenomena centered around the Ohio area due to a recent encounter my fiancé and I recently experienced. On the night of thanksgiving (November 25, 2010 approximately 11:00pm).

We were traveling from Kettering, Ohio to Waynesville, Ohio after an evening with my in-laws. Rain had pounded the area for several hours before snow started to fall. The onset of the snow prompted us to begin our journey in hopes of beating any adverse road conditions that were likely to occur. As we traveled through Bellbrook towards St Rt 42 we received a text from my mother, informing us that the power has been out for several hours at home.

It isn't exactly an uncommon to lose power, but usually it is resolved quickly in our area due to the need for power to run pumps and various equipment common to homes in the country. We didn't think anything of it due to the backup generator we maintain for emergencies. After traveling down 42 to within several miles of Waynesville city limits, a strange light appeared roughly 20 feet above the road.

We simultaneously exclaimed "What the hell is that", as the light drew towards us. Visibility was slightly hampered due to the snow, but the perfect orange sphere emitted very little ambient light if any. Our pace was already slowed considerably due to road conditions, but the light caused me to slow down even further.

The light maintained a steady pace towards us, pausing just slightly to emit a bright light into the vehicle. The encounter was brief leaving us very puzzled as it continued on down the highway with me watching it through my rearview mirror and my fiancé looking out the back directly at it.

As I refocused on the road she exclaims "Oh my god there's more!" I immediately turned back to see 2 more lights turn on around it in a roughly horizontal line. The inconsistency of their placement gave me the impression that they weren't lights from the same craft, but this is only speculation. We traveled on our way home with a little more haste, not sure what to make of our experience.

We hopped off the highway to run on Corwin Rd. (a road that essentially parallels the Little Miami River) when we finally spotted servicemen for the power outage. Their response was unusually heavy considering the number of trucks they sent out to comb the countryside for the problem. The only truck that was stopped was surrounded by at least 6 men that were very quick to get out of sight as we drew near (to say that this is related to our experience is nothing, but conjecture at this point, but I thought it should be mentioned.)

More than a little unnerved, we made our way home as quickly as the roads would allow. We turned onto our road to head up the steep hill that our home sits on. As we rounded the final curve up the hill that same light illuminated the woods around us to a startling degree. With a slight flicker the interior of our car and the woods around us lit up nearly as bright as day light.

I gave a quick look over my shoulder to see it was coming from the modest gorge behind us before stomping the gas down close the last few hundred yards to our house. The light would fade and come back a total of 3 times over a period of roughly 4-5 seconds. While I did not get a good look at this light, my fiancé said it was 2 lights sitting one on top of the other, approximately 100 feet from us and 30 feet in the air, and it traveled from the woods over our car at a startling speed.

We skidded into the drive way and made a mad dash for our rifle and emergency gear (I'm something of a survival enthusiast) only to find that no more lights would appear that night. After conversations with my family, we found out that the power would strobe in and out at random intervals and that strangely enough our generator would run, but couldn't seem to put out enough power to run anything at all.

We were hoping that you could possibly shed some light on the situation for us. My biggest concern is that the lights might have been perusing us after the first encounter, but this brings up the big question of why? Also I would like to know if anyone else has had a similar encounter, especially if it was in a similar area. Naturally after all of that Hollywood starts to permeate my thought process, were we being scanned by something?

Could said scan leave radiation? Why did the servicemen act so strangely and come out in such great numbers? It might also be noteworthy that we saw a white light of the same perfect spherical shape just a few miles away from the first orange one over a year ago. In that case it just seemed to parallel the highway emitting a steady pulse over the fields below.

At the time it seemed odd, but not nearly as startling or as close as our experience with the orange light.

I've always been open minded to the concept of UFOs, but until that night I never took it seriously. To say it was eye opening is an understatement. In retrospect part of me wishes I stopped to investigate, but curiosity did kill the cat they say. I hope to hear from you soon and thank you very much for your time.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

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