Posted: February 18, 2013.
I have been investigating UFO sightings now since mid 2000. When I started up, things were very slow. A report trickled in from time to time, and it was exciting to see. As the months passed, sighting reports were being filed to me more frequently.
Back then I was hard pressed to see many orange/red light sightings at all. Most reports that came in were about unusual craft, people seeing white lights etc., and a few orange objects and some other weird things. But again, as the years moved on, I did start seeing more and more orange/red light sightings coming in, but most were from Asian countries where they do celebrate different occasions using Chinese/Sky lanterns.
Then a shift started and the reports of these lights began showing up in the UK, slowly at first then increasing by great numbers. It got to the point where orange lights were the subject of most of the sightings I was receiving.
A year or two following the invasion of orange lights in the United Kingdom, I started receiving more and more reports of the lights in Canada. Most of those came from back east in Ontario. Then it spread out across Canada, and still, Ontario remained on top for these sightings probably due to the larger population there, and to this date, huge numbers of sightings of these lights are still piling in. Also at that time, reports of the lights started showing up all along the east coast of the United States. It really was and still is, fascinating to actually see how the orange/red lights spread across the land.
Now, most of the time I receive anywhere from 10 to 20 or more sighting reports per day from people who are seeing these colored lights, meteors and some UFOs. It really is something to see how this all unfolded.
In a recent report, an answer was found to a sighting of a orange ball of light seen over Buena Vista Baja California Sur Mexico.
Here is a link to that story, with an update from the eyewitness who found the evidence that the sighting was indeed a Chinese lantern. The remains were located on the beach, having been washed up on shore as the sighting had taken place over the ocean.
Pictures of the washed up lantern debris are below.
I have received reports of orange lights from people where they were able to figure out what they saw, after the orange light burnt out and fell into the witnesses yard.
I personally believe most of the orange light sightings are Chinese lanterns, but the problem is finding the proof. The lanterns do come down, but so many fall in wooded areas, lakes, oceans, rivers, yards, etc. When people watch the lights travel over head or see them in the distance, they are still lit, but they do burn out or blink out and it is hard to determine where they might come down because of the darkness. I am sure people walk out in their yards and see the debris from a lantern and wonder what it is, and where did it come from. I am also sure they pick it up and drop it into the trash, not knowing there were lights seen in the sky in the area from the previous night.
Here is an example of what I am talking about. This report came in from Thompson Manitoba, and in the report there are photos the witness took of a melted mess which is the remains of a Chinese lantern.
“Numerous Eyewitnesses Observe Orange/Red Lights Over Thompson Manitoba – (Case Solved Hot Air Balloons/Lanterns) Pictures” http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.ca/2011/01/numerous-eyewitnesses-observe-orangered.html
I am certainly not saying all of the orange and red light sightings are Chinese lanterns, but I do receive thousands of sightings of these lights and I believe that most of them could be the lanterns.
Brian Vike
The Vike Factor
Canadian UFO Investigator
Houston, British Columbia Canada.
If you have seen anything unusual, please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal-2.blogspot.ca/
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