The Big Book of UFOs
Book Description.
Chris Rutkowskis name is synonymous with UFO research the world over, and this book captures his most breathtaking research, along with new and exciting accounts, that will have you questioning "are we alone in the universe?"
The Big Book of UFOs is a compendium of his best and most disturbing UFO stories for enthusiastic fans everywhere, with startling evidence to make even the biggest skeptics believe. The renowned ufologist takes us on a tour of UFOs in Canada and around the world. He has studied UFOs, aliens, abductions, and even encounters reported by kids.
Rutkowski offers many famous reports, such as the "ghost airplanes" seen over Canadas Parliament in 1915, but also includes many exciting new cases, secret files, and statistics, as well as lots of tidbits and trivia to keep everyone excited.
For more information about the book: http://www.amazon.ca/The-Book-UFOs-Chris-Rutkowski/dp/1554887607/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1370284123&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=Chris+Rutkowksi

Abductions and Aliens: What's Really Going On
Book Description.
We can't escape them; aliens are everywhere. They sell us soft drinks and star in their own sitcoms. But to the many people who believe they have been abducted aboard strange crafts, aliens are a very serious reality. Stories of these encounters, taken from investigators' files, have been vividly depicted in television specials and motion pictures.
Despite their predominance as a cultural phenomenon, experts offer drastically conflicting opinions: aliens are harmless creatures whose aim is to better understand humans; aliens are angel-like entities here to enhance our spiritual awareness; aliens are conspiring with the government in a plot to enslave humans; and aliens are genetically breeding with humans to create a new race of hybrids.
But, what is really going on? Are aliens abducting thousands of unsuspecting people each year? Are they then inserted with tracking devices and monitored? Based on his own investigative files and almost twenty-five years of research, science writer Chris Rutkowski asks hard questions, looking critically, yet compassionately, at the stories of abductees. He is an astronomer, educator and published commentator within the area of study known as "ufology." Rutowski presents case histories of many abductees, showing both their diversity and similarities, and examines how our understanding is shaped by media, by science, and by society itself.
For more information about the book: http://www.amazon.ca/Abductions-Aliens-Whats-Really-Going/dp/0888822103/ref=sr_1_sc_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1370284123&sr=1-2-spell&keywords=Chris+Rutkowksi

The Canadian UFO Report: The Best Cases Revealed
Book Description.
The Canadian UFO Reports is a popular history of the UFO phenomenon in Canada, something that has captured the imaginations of young and old alike. Drawn from government documents and civilian case files - many previously unpublished - the book includes a chronological overview of the best Canadian UFO cases, from the very first sighting of "fiery serpents" over Montreal in 1662 to reports from the past year. There are chapters on the government's involvement with UFOs, UFO landing pads, media interest, and even UFO abductions.
What were the "ghost airplanes" seen over the Parliament Buildings in 1915, or the flying saucers seen by military officers over Goose Bay Air Force Base, Newfoundland, in the 1940s and 1950s? Was a prospector burned by a UFO in Manitoba in 1967? Did a UFO crash off the coast of Nova Scotia? Was Quebec invaded by UFOs in 1973? Find out here.
For more information about the book: http://www.amazon.ca/The-Canadian-UFO-Report-Revealed/dp/1550026216/ref=sr_1_sc_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1370284123&sr=1-3-spell&keywords=Chris+Rutkowksi

A World of UFOs
Book Description.
UF0s are a truly global phenomenon. Although many of the best-known cases have taken place in North America, amazing stories of witnesses encounters with strange disc-shaped objects (and their occupants) have come from every corner of the globe.
From a floating platform watched by dozens in Indonesia, to a Saturn-shaped object that flew over a ship off the coast of Brazil, to a landing Down Under, UFOs have been baffling witnesses and making headlines around the world.
What are some of the most interesting cases? Which ones seem most mysterious? And what can one of the worlds most active UFO researchers and investigators tell us about UFOs, from A to Z? Join Chris Rutkowski as he takes us on a tour of A World of UFOs.
For more information about the book: http://www.amazon.ca/World-UFOs-Chris-A-Rutkowski/dp/1550028332/ref=sr_1_sc_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1370284123&sr=1-4-spell&keywords=Chris+Rutkowksi

I Saw It Too!: Real UFO Sightings
Book Description.
Although many adults believe they have had encounters with strange creatures from alien spaceships, not everyone has actually reported their experiences to official investigators. But if you're a young person it's even less likely that people will believe you and more likely that your story will never be officially recorded. After all, who would believe a kid?
I Saw It Too! is the first collection of stories told by children, documenting what they saw and when they saw it. These accounts are real cases of UFOs they've seen or alien creatures they've encountered that were reported to government or military officials, UFO investigators, and journalists.
Inside you will find eighteen of these strange, fascinating, and believable tales recounted by young people from around the world with story illustrations by Stacey Archer with Lonigan Gilbert. The truth is really out there, and renowned ufologist Chris Rutkowski has tracked it down!
For more information about the book: http://www.amazon.ca/Saw-It-Too-Real-Sightings/dp/1554884489/ref=sr_1_sc_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1370284123&sr=1-5-spell&keywords=Chris+Rutkowksi
For further information, contact Chris:
Ufology Research
E-mail: canadianuforeport@hotmail.com
I don't truly understand all that ufo's are but i know this that they are out there.I am of the opinion that they have transforming abilities or shape shifting abilities if you prefer. I have a web page that investigates all the informations on the internet that I can find and there is alot of it. In the pursuit of truth I have have some encounters and am of the opinion that they are lower than the angels as celestial beings and that they do exsist. Read this NIV version quote from the biblical text found in 2 Peter of the New Testament.( Bold and arrogant, they are not afraid to heap abuse on celestial beings; 11yet even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful, do not heap abuse on such beings when bringing judgment on them from the lORD.)Wow that's pretty clear to me.Tghis would mean that The Blood of Christ is a weapon against them which they cannot resist, as well as the name of Christ .Well during my encounter I used this defense and well they simply took off and they took off Fast. Well, that's my story folks and it is true, so try these weap[ons when confronting alien beings or thier craft.Feel free to come and visit my web page on facebook called UFO TRACKER INVESTIGATIONS . tHANKS FOR READING SEE YOU THERE AND DON'T FORGWET TO LIKE OUR PAGE .God Bless