Brian Vike is a Canadian Independent UFO Investigator/Reporter.
I have been looking into the UFO phenomena since mid 2000. I work at it full time these days and really enjoy meeting with the witnesses and have made many new wonderful friends along the way.
I reside in a very small town called Houston, here in northwestern British Columbia, Canada and have made a good name for myself in the UFO field.
I have received thousands of sighting reports from Canada, United States and all around the world. I also have a small radio show and only have guests on the show who have been witness to a UFO, Sasquatch/Bigfoot, Ghost sighting, or really anything that is classed unusual.
I decided to close my main website and use the blogs to report on all new UFO sightings that come in. The blogs are many more times easier to use and saves me a great deal of time and can put more time into the reports.
I have posted below “just some of the media interviews” I have done. I have talked to the media here in Canada, the United States and other parts of the world. I have been in a few UFO documentaries and been a guest on countless radio programs.
Below is just a small sample of media interviews I have done.
I would like to thank everyone for stopping by and if you have any questions about what I do, please do write to me.
I can be contacted at sighting@telus.net or through my main blog at: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.ca/
Have You Spotted A UFO Lately
The Houston Today
The Editor
Wednesday, August 9, 2000
Article on Brian Vike.
Gathering The Goods On UFOs
The Terrace Standard
by Keith Freeman
Wednesday, October 18, 2000
Article on Brian Vike.
Lethbridge Herald, Alberta
Sherri Gallant
Health reporter
Article on Brian Vike.
UFO*BC Welcomes Researcher Brian Vike
Houston A Hotbed Of Activity
Quarterly Journal
Volume 5 Number 4 Autumn 2000
Article on Brian Vike.
Northern Television Interview For The News
May 27, 2001
Thanks To Reporter
Jennifer Crosby
Interview with Brian Vike.
CKNW Radio Interview - Increase In UFOs For 2001
August 18, 2001, 4:30 PM.
I was interviewed By CKNW Radio, British Columbia, Canada about the rise in UFO sighting across Canada. I must say, the interview was most enjoyable and a lot of fun. Thank you to CKNW, Sterling Fox and Don for having me. Interview with Brian Vike.
Northern Television
September 7, 2001
Reported on the Vanderhoof Crop Circles telling that an investigator Brian Vike. was on his way to do the field work on site.
Crop Circles Return To Vanderhoof
Omineca Express Newspaper
Serving Vanderhoof - Fort Fraser - Fraser Lake
Wednesday, September 12, 2001
Article on the September 2001 crop circles and investigator Brian Vike.
UFO Magazine - On Brian Vike.
at: http://www.geocities.com/hbccufo/home.html is based in Houston, a small town in northern British Columbia, yet their information is anything but small. This organization offers a fine place to post your UFO sighting and investigates UFO events in Western Canada. Brian Vike also forwards "foreign" sightings and events (always with permission of the witness) to others in the UFO field that are better located to investigate these reports, Brian Vike offers a large database of sightings, other strange phenomenon, and updates on space exploration.
Thank to Peter Robins / Editor, UFOcity.com and writer of WWWebWatch for the
UFO Magazine where this article appeared.
Issue - October/November 2001 - UFO Magazine at: http://www.ufomag.com/
UFO Magazine - On Brian Vike.
From Canada, our neighbors to the north comes The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) at: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.ca/
This fine site investigates and posts breaking UFO information from North America as well as worldwide. The real focus, however, is on Canadian sightings and incidents, and Brian Vike does a fine, professional job of it
Their site also includes well-researched pages on cattle mutilations, crop circles, the UFO flap of 1952, relevant news stories and other areas of interest.
Thank to Peter Robins/Editor, UFOcity.com and writer of WWWebWatch for the UFO Magazine where this article appeared.
Issue - December/January 2001 - UFO Magazine at: http://www.ufomag.com/
Brian Vike was a guest on "Strange Days Indeed" many times on CFRB AM 1010 radio with host Errol Bruce Knapp. You can find these good people at: http://www.cfrb.com/
Brian Vike was a guest of George Filer on the Jeff Rense Radio Show discussing UFO's in northern British Columbia.
Thank you to both, Jeff Rense host of the Jeff Rense Radio Program and to George Filer for having me as a guest.
You can find the Jeff Rense show at: http://www.rense.com/ and George Filer at: Filer's Research Institute at: http://www.filersfiles.com/
Brian Vike, from The Vike Factor was a regular guest on the Jeff Rense radio show for a many years. Jeff Rense website: http://www.rense.com/
Bright Objects In Night Sky
Omineca Express
Serving Vanderhoof - Fort Fraser - Fraser Lake and area.
Phone: 567-9258, Fax: 567-2070
Wednesday, February 27, 2002
Article on Brian Vike.
Bulkley Valley Hotbed of Interstellar Activity
Cross Roads For The Galaxy
Interior News
Smithers, B.C.
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
95th Year - Week 12
Community Reporter
By Timothy Schafer
The Interior News
Article on Brian Vike.
Highway 16 Reports May Be Linked
The Terrace Standard Newspaper
Weekend Advertiser
Volume No. 10 Circulation 15, 650
March 9, 2002
Article on Brian Vike.
The Lakes District News
Website: http://www.ldnews.net/
Serving Burns Lake and Area
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Volume 82 - No 12
Article on Brian Vike.
The Houston Today Newspaper
Website: http://www.houston-today.com/
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Article on Brian Vike.
BVLD Radio News: In the news, BVLD radio ran the story about the rash of sightings taking place around us. Ran a taped segment of me telling of the February 1, 2002 sighting east of Telkwa, B.C.
UFOs and interview with Brian Vike.
CBC Radio Morning Program: Interviewed - Talking about the increase in UFO activity in northern
British Columbia. (March 26, 2002) Interview with Brian Vike.
Jeff Rense Radio Program - April 30, 2002 Brian Vike and Graham Conway of UFO*BC were guests on the Jeff Rense Radio Show discussing UFO's in northern British Columbia.
Thank you to both, Jeff Rense host of the Jeff Rense Radio Program
You can find the Jeff Rense show at: http://www.rense.com/
Graham Conway passed away on February 7, 2007.
Northern Television Interview For The News. (CFTK Tearrce, British Columbia)
June 19, 2002 - Talking about the recent rash of reported sightings here in Northern British Columbia. Thanks To Reporter Jennifer Crosby.
Interview with Brian Vike.
CFTK website: http://www.cftktv.com/
Smithers Interior Newspaper
August 7, 2002 - Article on Brian Vike and the July 29, 2002 sighting.
Smithers Interior Newspaper - http://www.interior-news.com/
CBC Afternoon Radio Show
August 14, 2002 - Speaking about the July 29, 2002 major UFO sighting.
Smithers Interior Newspaper
August 14, 2002 - Article on Brian Vike and a follow up on the July 29, 2002 sighting.
Smithers Interior Newspaper - http://www.interior-news.com/
Houston Today Newspaper
August 14, 2002 - Article on Brian Vike Research and July 29, 2002 sighting.
The Houston Today Newspape. Website: http://www.houston-today.com/
The National Post
August, 2002 - Article on July 29, 2002 sighting and UFO investigator Brian Vike.
The National Post website: http://www.nationalpost.com/index.html
Vancouver Province Newspaper
August 14, 2002 - Article on Brian Vike and speaking about the July 29, 2002 sighting.
Vancouver Province Newspaper website: http://www.theprovince.com/index.html
Lakes District Newspaper - Burns Lake
August 14, 2002 - Article on Brian Vike and speaking about the July 29, 2002 sighting.
The Lakes District News:Website: http://www.ldnews.net/
CIVI Television - Victoria British Columbia - Interview live in primetime with Brian Vike, Gavin McLeod from UFO*BC and Gordon Stewart witness to the July 29, 2002 UFO sighting. Talking about UFOs
Jaime Maussan Radio Show - Mexico
August 18, 2002 - Speaking about the July 29, 2002 major sighting, and the other 73 reported sightings to Brian Vike.
Jerry Pippin Radio Program - Talk Radio
September 6, 2002 Speaking on the flap of UFO reported sightings to Brian Vike.
Jerry Pippin Radio Program Website: http://www.jerrypippin.com/
Morning Line - Talk Radio
September 24, 2002 - Interview on UFOs in the north.
9:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Host: John Crawford of CJFW FM
CJFW FM Website: http://www.cjfw.ca/
CJFW FM Weekly UFO Update
September 2002
Host: Adam Thompson.
CJFW FM - Terrace, British Columbia
CJFW FM Website: http://www.cjfw.ca/
Almanac - CBC Radio Show
September 27, 2002 - Discussed the flap of UFOs here in the north.
Host: Greg Dickson
Almanac - CBC Radio Show Website: http://www.cbc.ca/bcalmanac/
Talk Radio Show - Mexico
September 22, 2002 - Updating folks in the area about the large increase in UFO activity here. Host: Jamie Maussan
CJFW FM Weekly UFO Update
October 3, 2002
Host: Adam Thompson
CJFW FM - Terrace, British Columbia.
CJFW FM Website: http://www.cjfw.ca/
Brian Vike did a regular UFO update, giving people all through the area updates on what was happening with UFOs in north western British Columbia.
North Island Gazette Newspaper
October 3, 2002
Letter to the editor: Requesting witnesses come forward for the July 29, 2002 sighting in Sayward, B.C. North Island Gazette Newspaper Website: http://www.northislandgazette.com/
North Island Gazette Newspaper
October 10, 2002
Article telling that 6 witnesses come forward.
Another article North Island Gazette Newspaper Website: http://www.northislandgazette.com/
The Valley Echo Newspaper
September, 2002
Small article requesting folks report their sighting to Brian Vike.
The Valley Echo Newspaper Website: http://www.invermerevalleyecho.com/
The Life Network (In UFO Documentary)
TV series called The "The Magnificent Obsession" .
You can visit the Life Network at:
The UFO Documentary was shot on February 4th and the 5th of February, 2003.
Brian Vike filmed for the UFO Documentary.
"To The Point" - Talk Radio
CJFW FM with host John Crawford
Interview - 9:00 a.m.
February 18, 2003
Discussing the Increase in UFO activity here in northern British Columbia.
Terrace ranks 3rd and Houston ranks 4th for UFO sighting in all of Canada.
Interview with Brian Vike.
CFTK T.V. News
February 20, 2003
Interview with Brian Vike discussing the increase in UFO activity here in northern British Columbia.
Terrace ranks 3rd and Houston ranks 4th for UFO sighting in all of Canada.
CFTK website: http://www.cftktv.com/
The Terrace Standard (Newspaper)
The Terrace Standard Website: www.terracestandard.com
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
Vol. 15 No. 46
The paper ran two articles on Brian Vike and The 2002 Canadian UFO Survey.
1. - UFO Survey Says We're The No. 3 Town For Sightings.
2. - TV Crew Uncovers UFO Obsession.
Both article by Jennifer Lang.
CBC Radio News
Called From Prince Rupert, British Columbia
Short Interview for the news.
Lakes District News
Wednesday, March 5, 2003
Volume 83 - No. 10
Article on Brian Vike.
"Unexplained Sightings In The Area"
Houston Today Newspaper
Wednesday, March 5, 2003
No. 10
Article on Brian Vike.
"UFO Survey Says Houston In Top 4 For Most Sightings"
Houston Today Newspaper
Wednesday, March 5, 2003
No. 10
Article on Brian Vike.
Houston Today Newspaper Website: http://www.houston-today.com/
"More Sightings Over The Past Week"
Northwest Leads In UFO Sightings
The Interior News
Wednesday, April 2, 2003
95th year - Week 14
Page 6C
The Interior News Website: www.interior-news.com
Article on Brian Vike.
Was There A Mass UFO Sighting?
Terrace Standard Newspaper
April 2, 2003
By Jennifer Lang.
Terrace Standard Newspaper Website: http://www.terracestandard.com/
Article under the Community section on Brian Vike.
The Alberta Report ( Magazine)
Interview with Brian Vike On The UFO Activity In Northern British Columbia
April 30, 2003
The Alberta Report ( Magazine) Website: http://report.ca/
CFBV FM Radio News - Requesting witnesses to come forward over June 5, 2003 sighting over Houston, B.C.
June 5, 2003
CFBV FM - Smithers, British Columbia
Interview with Brian Vike.
CJFW FM - "To The Point" Morning Talk Radio
July 9, 2003
Host: John Crawford
Guests: Brian Vike and Peter Davenport.
CJFW FM - Terrace, British Columbia.
KBS Radio - FM 95.7 Trail (Regular Guest Spot On Show)
July 25, 2003
Trail, British Columbia
I still continue to give UFO updates on the Wayne and Jayne Show.
KBS Radio - FM 95.7 Trail Website: http://www.kbsradio.ca/default.asp
Sky's The Limit
By Jennifer Lang.
July 23, 2003
Terrace Standard Newspaper Website: http://www.terracestandard.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
CBC Radio
Daybreak: Marion Barschel, host.
Interview with Brian Vike.
July 25, 2003
CBC Radio Website: http://www.vancouver.cbc.ca/daybreaksouth/crew.html
Sightings Draw Tourists To The Area
Wednesday, August 6, 2003
No. 32
Houston Today Newspaper Website: http://www.houston-today.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Kimberley Daily Bulletin Newspaper
335 Spokane Street
Kimberley, B.C. V1A 1Y9
Email - bulletin@cyberlink.bc.ca
August 7, 2003
Article on UFO and Ray of Light and Brian Vike.
Kimberley Daily Bulletin Newspaper Website: http://www.dailybulletin.ca/
Cranbrook Daily Townsman Newspaper
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
822 Cranbrook Street, N.
Cranbrook, B.C. V1C-3R9
Phone 250 426 5003
Fax 250 426 5003
Saucer Full Of Secrets.
Cranbrook Daily Townsman Newspaper Website: http://www.dailytownsman.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Capital News of the Okanagan
"Seeking Witnesses to UFO."
Letter to the editor in the August 15th edition
Kelowna, British Columbia.
Capital News of the Okanagan Website: http://www.kelownacapnews.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Unknown Country
Website of Dreamland radio host and author Whitley Strieber
August 24, 2003 - Interviewed Brian Vike.
Brian did numerous appearances on Dreamland radio.
Unknown Country Website: http://www.unknowncountry.com/
Brian Vike did appear on Dreamland a few times.
CIFM Radio
August 27, 2003
Host: Leo Baggio
98.3 on the dial
Kamloops, British Columbia
CIFM Radio Website: http://www.98.3cifm.com/index.htm
Interview with Brian Vike.
Airdrie Echo Newspaper Alberta
September, 24, 2003
Editor: Paul Wells
Sightings yet to be explained
UFO researcher contacted by Airdrie and area residents.
Airdrie Echo Newspaper Website: http://www.airdrieecho.com/story.php?id=74874
Interview with Brian Vike.
Rocky View Times Newspaper
A Close Encounter of the Airdrie Kind
September 25, 2003
Rocky View Times Newspaper Website: http://www.rockyviewtimes.com/story.php?id=75266
Interview with Brian Vike.
Terrace Standard Newspaper
October 8, 2003
By Jennifer Lang.
Terrace Standard Newspaper Website: http://www.terracestandard.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
The Houston Today Newspaper
October 8, 2003
Article on upcoming T.V. Documentary.
The Houston Today Newspaper Website: http://www.houston-today.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Atlantis Rising Radio Show
Host Hilly Rose
Interview with Brian Vike.
October 8, 2003
Atlantis Rising Radio Show Website: http://radio.atlantisrising.com/
CKCQ Radio Quesnel, British Columbia
Interview with Brian Vike. October 10, 2003
UFO over the Quesnel area.
CKCQ Radio Quesnel, British Columbia Website: http://www.wildcountryradio.com/contactus.asp
The Lou Gentile Show Radio Program
Brian Vike a regular guest spot for sometime, also ran a small radio show through Lou's radio network.
The Kevin Smith Radio Show
Host: Kevin Smith
The Kevin Smith Radio Show Website: http://kevinsmithshow.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Feet To The Fire Radio Show
Host: James Arthur Jancik
Feet To The Fire Radio Show Website: http://innersites.com/feet2fire/
Interview with Brian Vike. (Regular guest spot)
BBC Radio UK
BBC Radio UK Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/
Interview with Brian Vike.
CFAX 1070 Talk Radio (Did a number of interviews)
Victoria, Vancounver Island B.C.
CFAX 1070 Talk Radio Website: http://www.cfax1070.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
The Vancouver Sun Newspaper (Numerous Articles)
The Vancouver Sun Newspaper Website: http://www.vancouversun.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
The Province Newspaper (Numerous Articles)
The Province Newspaper Website: http://www.theprovince.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
The Albuquerque Journal Newspaper
Move Over Roswell - Photo allegedly surfaces of 1976 Clovis UFO "incident."
Interview with Brian Vike.
Clovis News Journal
UFOs Over Cannon AFB
Clovis News Journal Website: http://www.cnjonline.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
CBS Television News New Mexico
Cannon AFB UFO photo surfaces.
Interview with Brian Vike.
York Region.com News
Vaughan - UFO researcher says cluster of red lights 'weird'
York Region.com News Website: http://www.georginaadvocate.com/News/Vaugham/article/86641
Interview with Brian Vike.
Harlow Herald Newspaper
UFO Caught On Camera
Harlow Herald Newspaper Website: http://www.harlowherald.co.uk/content/hlwherald/news/story.aspx?brand=HLHOnline&category=NewsHarlow&tBrand=HertsCambsOnline&tCategory=newslatestHLH&itemid=WEED07%20Jan%202009%2009%3A08%3A31%3A003
Interview with Brian Vike.
Paisley Daily Express Newspaper
We Wish UFO A Merry Christmas
Paisley Daily Express Newspaper Website: http://www.paisleydailyexpress.co.uk/renfrewshire-news/local-news-in-renfrewshire/2008/12/24/we-wish-ufo-a-merry-christmas-87085-22541474/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Paisley Daily Express
UFO Sightings In Elderslie
Paisley Daily Express Website: http://www.paisleydailyexpress.co.uk/renfrewshire-news/local-news-in-renfrewshire/2008/11/24/ufo-sightings-in-elderslie-87085-22322260/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Niagara This Week Newspaper
UFO Sightings In The Falls
Niagara This Week Newspaper Website: http://www.niagarathisweek.com/news/article/218220
Interview with Brian Vike.
Niagara This Week Newspaper
Residents Report UFO Sightings
Niagara This Week Newspaper Website: http://www.niagarathisweek.com/news/article/211983
Interview with Brian Vike.
Observer's Newspaper
Unidentified Flying Object Regularly Observed Over Sarnia
Observer's Newspaper Website: http://www.theobserver.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1223191
Interview with Brian Vike.
Stockfort Express Newspaper
Did Close Encounter Light Up Our Skies?
Stockfort Express Newspaper Website:
Interview with Brian Vike.
The Citizen Newspaper (Numerous Articles)
UFO Sighting Among Few Still Unexplained
The Citizen NewspaperWebsite: http://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/20080805144847/local/news/ufo-sighting-among-few-still-unexplained.html
Interview with Brian Vike.
Houston Today Newspaper (Numerous Articles)
Three More Bigfoot Sightings Reported
Houston Today Newspaper Website:
Interview with Brian Vike.
Discovery Channel interview with Brian Vike of the Vike Factor For "Alien Mysteries" New series airing in March 2013.
Houston Today Newspaper Website: http://www.discovery.ca/showpage.aspx?sid=49594
Interview with Brian Vike.
CTV News (Island News) 2013
Spike in strange lights over Vancouver Island
CTV News (Island News) Website:
Interview with Brian Vike.
CTV - Creepy Canada (TV UFO Documentary Alien Abduction)
Interview with Brian Vike.
Brian Vike provided material to the Discovery Channel and other film companies for UFO documentaries over the years.
Parksville Qualicum Beach News (Numerous newspaper articles)
UFO sighting at Nanoose Bay
Parksville Qualicum Beach News Wesite: http://www.pqbnews.com/news/172869431.html
Interview with Brian Vike.
Brian Vike Guest On 567 Cape Talk Radio South Africa.
Interview with Brian Vike.
Cranbrook Daily Townsman Newspasper
Saucer Full Of Secrets
Ufologist Seeks Info.
Cranbrook Daily Townsman Newspasper Website: http://www.dailytownsman.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Kelowna Capital News
Group Seeks Down To Earth Support.
Kelowna Capital News Website: http://www.kelownacapnews.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Airdrie Echo Newspaper (Numerous articles)
Another UFO Sighting.
Airdrie Echo Newspaper Website: http://www.airdrieecho.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Ahwatukee Foothills News
By Allison Hurtado
Did You See The Ahwatukee Lights?
Ahwatukee Foothills News Website: http://www.ahwatukee.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Cloverdale Reporter News
By Jennifer Lang
Strange Lights Over Cloverdale.
UFO’s Or Paper Lanterns?
Cloverdale Reporter News Website: http://www.cloverdalereporter.com/
Interview with Brian Vike.
Articles in WestJetAirline Inflight Magazines on Brian Vike and his UFO cases.
Interview with Brian Vike.
And the list goes on and on and on.
You can contact Brian Vike at:
Brian Vike – The Vike Factor.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada
Through web blog: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.ca/
Email: sighting@telus.net or b_vike@telus.net
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