Monday, January 10, 2011

9 Round Bright Orange UFOs Observed Over Westland Michigan

Date: Late Summer 1984
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.

The Vike Factor Note: The witness thought it was Brian Vike who saw the objects, but it was someone filing there report to the Vike Factor.

Hello Brian, I just saw your information about what you saw in August. I saw what sounds like, very similar objects, but almost 24 years ago.

I was around 16 or 17 and it was late summer. (If memory It was the year, the movie Muppets Take Manhattan and Purple Rain (1984) had come out. I would have to look that up to really give an exact date/year.

My friends and I had gone to the movies and seen something on the way home.

My friends mom had picked us up from the Wayne theatre. The one friend was also my next door neighbor and we stayed outside our homes after we got home to watch for whatever it was we saw in the car on the way home. Hoping to see it again.

I was in the back seat and barely caught a glimpse of the light moving in the sky but, my friends and her mom saw it better and were freaked. It only lasted a few seconds. I was disappointed to have missed a direct view, but they were really excited about it.

I lived in Westland at the time with my parents.

When we got home we checked the sky's, but it was very cloudy that night except for the area directly over our subdivision. My one friend and I sat on the hood of my parents car for quite awhile, my friend got tired and went in.

I can't recall how much longer it was after that. I think it was about 20 minutes later, when I saw the most amazing thing.

It was around 11:00pm or a bit later (again, if memory serves) when all of a sudden, while I was staring up at the clearing in the sky, around 9 objects perfectly round and bright orange with small tails of flames seemed to appear.

They were pretty big, not sure how to describe the size of them to be honest, but big enough to be perfectly clear and have very defined edges and for as high as I suspect they were. I am thinking they had to be quite large.

The objects were flying in a formation, kind of diamond shaped and in three rows. Perfectly aligned to each other and evenly spaced. There was no sound and the moved very slow and in a perfectly straight direction. They moved from south to north.

I jumped off the car, never taking my eyes away and yelled for my parents.

My Mom was the first one at the front door and was able to come out far enough from the door to look up and see the last few rows slowly move across the sky and fade.

Our house faced south if that means anything.

The oddest part is that when I saw them appear and disappear. I can only describe it as if these objects entered our atmosphere and then left it the same way. It was as though they were on this perfectly straight and level trajectory that took them into our atmosphere then back out again. The heat tails were exactly like what one would expect if something grazed our sky's. The tails were not very long but, noticeable.

The objects were within the area of the sky, above my house, that were devoid of clouds the whole time.

It took maybe, less than minute or two for them to appear and move across the sky then fade out of view.

They were the most amazing things I have ever seen.

I was use to seeing planes, since we lived in a very active area due to Metro airport being only a half hour away. These were definitely not planes or anything I or my Mom had ever seen before.

I know this is many years apart but, your description of the lights reminded me of what I had seen all those years ago and thought I should share it. Please, feel free to reply. I am curious about the details of your sighting and if your lights were anything like the ones I saw. Thanks and have a great night.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

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