Time: Between 6:00 - 6:30 PM
The witness telephoned me explaining she watched an extremely bright white light just east of Vanderhoof on Surgeon Point Road. (Note: This is where I investigated the September 2001 crop circles) I mentioned that I had investigated the crop circles and she said her sighting took place 2 miles east of where I carried out the field investigation. The witness said she only observed this light for approximately a minute after she came up over a hill on Surgeon Point Road and it was there above her. After she got home the next morning she told her husband what she had seen and said it resembled an airplane coming into an airport with a bright light on. This lady said she observed it for about 200 meters before she drove behind the trees and could not see it anymore.
She then said she did not realize what she was looking at as she was too far down the road. She said now she wished she had stopped and looked at it longer. When she got further along the road in a position where she would probably be able to see it again .. it was gone.
I asked what colour were the lights. I was told it was very bright and it looked just like an airliner's landing lights, but it had only one extremely bright white light. I also asked her if she could remember the time that this took place, and she said it was between 6:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Her impression of it was that the light was below the crest of the mountains, between Vanderhoof in a south-westerly position.

(Investigators Note) - I already knew that there was no commercial traffic at the Vanderhoof airport and it is not equipped to have night landings as I had talked with Mr. Brent Miskuski back in September of 2001. He was the gentleman who flew over and discovered the 6 new crop circles. She also mentioned that this light was too bright to be from any type of aircraft that we know of.
I have to check to see if any helicopters were flying around the date and time frame mentioned here. This lady after telling her husband and reading my letter to the editor said, "hey I seen that light" And of course the light disappears so quickly.
Now here is where it gets really interesting:
Just before the end of the conversation she said she was surprised no one else had phoned from Vanderhoof to report this strange very bright white light. (Investigators Note): I gave a very brief statement about the two other Vanderhoof residents who reported to me. One report was south of Prince George and the other report was spotted over Sinkut Mountain.)
After I mentioned Sinkut Mountain she said "hold the bus" ! It was either Thursday or Friday morning which would have been February 28 or March 1, 2002 there was an unusual light in that direction of Sinkut Mountain which she can see from her kitchen window. Her first thoughts were that it was just a logging truck. I asked her then what color this light was, she replied that the light was white and extremely bright. The witness actually told me she had looked at this through binoculars and it was just a pure bright white light and was there for quite some time. I then asked did this light do anything out of the norm ? She told me the light would move, then stop and was gone, but in an instant it was back where it started from. She told me the light would zip around so quickly in that area it could not have been any aircraft or logging equipment. I asked her if she was able to remember a time and she said approximately 5:30 a.m.
(Investigators Note): Well I almost fell over because the other two witnesses reported the very same thing, at around the same time. This lady went on to say again that they live on a hill over looking the valley and have an uninterrupted view of Sinkut Mountain and she said it seemed to her that the light was west of Sinkut Mountain and even using binoculars she could not make out anything but a bright white light.
Keep in mind what caught my interest was when she mentioned the February 28 or March 1, 2002 sighting she watched from her kitchen. This would be "exactly" what the other two witnesses told me when they were traveling on Langston Road heading towards Prince George at approx: 5:30 - 6:00 a.m. This new sighting confirms the other couples report.
What this was is anyone's guess but I do plan to spend some time on this and see if I can come up with an explanation. I know for a fact there was "no" equipment working in the area at the time of the sightings. I did check this out. I am going to also have to rule out snowmobiles.
Email Brian Vike: v_factor_paranormal@live.com
Brian Vike, The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
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