Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bright Round Glowing Orange Ball Moves Across The Sky Over Grand Bay New Brunswick

Date:  September 3, 2011
Time:  Approx: 10:30 p.m.

I was using Google, to see if anyone had come across the same thing my mother had seen. I saw your post, and it was for the same date, and sounded exactly like what she had seen, so she emailed me and asked me to give you this description. 

It was around 10:30 at night, my friend called to say get outside and look up into the sky. The object was perfectly round, glowing ball of what looked like bright yellow center and glowed orange as it got to the outside edges and definitely moving in an east to west direction from where we are.

I had enough time to go back into the house and put on some clothes since I was just out in my t-shirt. It was like watching the sun move across the night sky, but lower.
My husband and I have never seen anything like this before and we are in our 50’s!

Additional Information:

Oh I’m so sorry, it was in Grand Bay New Brunswick.

This all started after September 3rd, 2011 (I may have the dates wrong). My friend and I were on her deck having a smoke, when we noticed a white ball of light flash really bright, and then move across the sky, we new right away it wasn't a plane. It shot up and then across the sky like a shooting star, but then stopped.

It moved closer and closer, until we noticed three lights, that stopped long enough for us to think, oh crap what do we do, and then it was gone! After that, we saw a few others hover and take off. The next day we searched YouTube and found what we had seen in NYC. 

My friend and I have seen many more strange things in the sky, fire balls, electric blue flashes and glowing red balls. I started telling my parents to just look for 30 minuets a night and they would see something. Finally they did and now I don't sound crazy.Have you seen and heard lots, I have researched lots, and read lots and seen so many videos.

I never believed in any of this until this year, and now I’m addicted to it, and would love to here your take on it all. Thanks.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/


  1. I saw some glowing things about one month ago. It is in a group of 8 to 10 glowing moving in a circle shape up on the sky at night after 9 pm. not sure but I thought there are some glowing birds exist in the sky so I was curiouse and went to get my camara but all were gone only 2 were there but I could not take picture. location woodridge , nj

  2. This happened last year 11:00 at night. I was about to sleep after watching tv but before that, I saw glowing things circling about across the sky just outside my bedroom window. I am certain they are not meteors or comets since one of them turned around and suddenly went flying to the opposite direction. They also seem to slowdown then speed up again, one of them actually went really fast that it disappeared in a blink of an eye.If they are ever going to land in Earth, I hope I'm still alive. Location Taupo, New Zealand

    1. I saw a large perfectly round object glowing orange and green.It was at night about 9 PM or so.I live in the hills of West Virginia and moved from Pa.I am about 2400 feet above sea level.It was on I think thanksgiving eve.The next day 3 hunters came up to hunt,they also saw it and we talked about it and how there was no trail of smoke etc.following it.I think it was in 2011.It could not be more than 2 or 3000 feet high.To this day i still cant get over it. Rp 1/2015
