Date: September 19, 2010
Time: After 9:00 p.m.
On Sunday, September 19th, 2010, shortly after 9:00pm, my husband called for me to look at a strange, bright red light in the sky. From our perspective on Kings Mills Road in Mason, it appeared to be over Kings Island. It was a steady bright red.
It traveled towards us (west) for about 2 minutes, but not in a straight line. It seemed to slightly zigzag. At first we speculated it might be a helicopter because of the erratic flight pattern, but there were no navigational lights and the red light was not blinking.
It definitely was not a plane. It became stationary, with no change in size or brightness for about 10 minutes. I got our neighbors, one of whom worked for GE Aircraft Division and he confirmed our belief, it was not a plane or helicopter. A small plane flew beneath it, and we could tell from the lights of the plane that the red object was much higher up. After about 10 minutes, it appeared to be getting smaller.
It seemed as though it was receding vertically into space. It appeared to blink occasionally, but we believe the blinking effect was caused as it passed through the very high, very thin cloud layer. I checked the local news reports for the next few days and have heard nothing mentioned. Could it have been the launching of a satellite? It definitely was nothing from nature. If anyone knows what it was, please let us know!
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:
let me say i lived on snider rd in mason-in 1992 i saw a huge object near the water tower across the street from my apartment-me and my girlfriend at that time saw it-it was like a sunset orange very bright about 30 ft off the ground and maybe 100 ft away- it was like the size of a walmart super center!-made no noise-it was night time-it was wedged at the ends-i saw a wave start at one end-as the wave moved from left to right-everything to the left of the wav vanished-when it made it to the right it was gone!-just stars! very strange i was in my car just after the train tracks-i was standing on my car seat looking out of my sun roof of my celica gt at that time---i never hurd a word about this on the news so-dont feel to bad the cambridge apartments and shady creek apartments are there and its like no one saw nothing(summer time-early in the night (saturday too?-no one saw this thing?-i saw it on a 2 am break at work to maybe 3 nights latter-